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The arrival of the seven monstrosities changed the course of battle.

"Holy shit!! Live us alone. " Azzazil was flying while cursing his luck. He and his fellow fallen were being chased by Myrs and Necro.

" you can run but you can't hide" said Myrs. He was shooting black fireballs  from his mouth. His special ability to devour souls helped him kill most of the fallen. Every time he killed a fallen he would devour their souls and turn them into more mana for him to use. It allowed him to have infinite mana. He would also share some of his mana with his comrades. He was surrounded by a powerful fear aura that caused all the fallen to tremble in fright. Their instinctive fear as living beings were warning them they would die.

"This is all you can eat" said Necro. He was devouring the soulless corpses. It helped him to grow bigger and bigger. His grotesque appearance made all female to scream in horror. The sight before thir eyes was worse than any horr movie.

"We can't even fight back. This is humiliating. If i had my magic. I wo.." kokabiel was about to say something but was cut off literally. His left arm was torn apart by a fleshy tentacle. "Waaaa!!??" His scream of pain only made the fallen more afraid.

"Kokabiel!?" Azzazil scream as saw how  one of his strongest companion lost a limb.

"Everyone retreat as fast as you can" Azzazil was shouting his orders.


On the devil's  side things were much worse.

"What is going  on" scream a devil.

"I can't move" said another devil with panic showing in his face.

"How dare you overgrown tree carcasses " said the devil king Lucifer in a fit of rage. The entire devil army was immobilized by red veins that resembles blood vessels. No matter how much the devils try they couldn't move or fly away. There were only a few devils including Asmodus and Belzebub  managed to avoid the veins, Thanks to their quick thinking.

"Belzebub, Asmodus. help us escape from this grotesque veins " shouted Livithen.

"You will not escape " said Tyler with a menacing tone. He used his special ability to absorb the lifespan of any living things to kill the devils.

"Nooo, i can't die lik.." before Lucifer  could finish he turned in to a dried corpse. Every devil was shocked.

"This can't be real!!" Screamed Livithen.

"No, lord Lucifer and Livithen!!" screamd the two surviving devil kings. But unfortunately for them they didn't have time to mourn their companions. A giant grotesque bat was attacking the surviving devils.

"Let's play " said vlad as used his ability to create powerful sound waves that caused insanity and confusion.

"St..op. my ear..s" Asmodus was covering his ears with his hands trying to block the sound attack but in vain. His head exploded because of the mind shattering sound.

"Thi..s is " Belzebub also suffered the same fate.

The devil faction was in a turmoil once more. They lost all four Satans in a single day. With no options they began to retreat one after another.

"What will we do now" said a crimson haired young zeoticus. As he looked at the current situation. The war was now a slaughter house for monsters.

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