4 | Secret Artist

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    Ezra was on top of his bunk. He was in the mood to draw something... mostly because he was too tired to do anything else after having his Jedi training. He sighed and got down to go ask Sabine for some paper. Or he could use his journal. His journal was one of the gifts he got before the Empire arrested his parents. He'd rather draw in paper, because if the crew found out about his journal... he was done for!

    He knocked on Sabine's door.

- "Come in!"

   He came in and took a couple of seconds took admire the mandalorian's beautiful art pieces.

- "Uh-h-h hey Sabine!" He said, still amazed by the colors in her room.

- "Wha'd you need, kid?"

- "Paper..."

    Sabine handed Ezra a bunch of paper, and Ezra happily accepted it.

- "Thank you!"

   He always felt something different when he was with Sabine. She was just perfect, in many ways. He had a obvious crush on her.

    He shook away the thoughts and climbed back to his bunk. He thought of something inspiring... Or tried to anyways. Maybe he should draw the crew. He decided to start with the simplest... Chopper. He sketched the outside, then the little buttons. He made shades with the pencil, and some parts darker than others like the actually Chopper. He giggled at the final results. Chopper was waving and trying on to shake off the Loth-Cats Ezra had drawn. He climbed back down, but get kind of sad that now he had to throw the drawing away. He ripped it in half and threw it away in the bathroom's trash can.

    Let's hope nobody finds it.

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