All About Syncing Words With The Seconds Of Silence

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The gist of it: I wrote this fic based off a qoute in the movie. Takes place between scenes in the movie and after the movie. Bit of missing scene type of deal

Mako Mori knows this will most likely go wrong.

She knew it the moment she lifted her black umbrella to meet Raleigh Becket for the first time, heavy rain and the hustle of a resistance carrying on in the background.

She knew that no matter how badly she wanted to be a jaeger-pilot, to bring some sense of vengeance to the board, to finally prove herself- she shouldn't have.

So, behind her want and determination she knew, back then, that when she asked Pentecost to go up against Raleigh to test their physical compatibility she was only going to set herself up.

Of course, she wasn't wrong. Of course, Raleigh wants her to be his co-polit.

Conflicted, both accomplishment and dread filled her at that moment.

And something unfamiliar, deep in her chest, simmering with warmth.

Looking back on it, Mako should have been aware far earlier, should have quit before she was too deep.

But, really, she actually couldn't have.

The world needed saving, it still does.

She's supposed to stand here in the connpod and feel prepared to go out there, to face the giant alien monsters that wait deep in the ocean, ready to be a hero.

But right now, unfortunately, Mako doesn't.

Honestly, she feels all to anxious, far too split, undecided about her own internal conflicts and emotions.

Because, hell why didn't she notice beforehand?

Something should have hinted at it, at least. She should have caught herself slipping before she fell.

Mako didn't though, so she stands here, across from Raleigh, and drowning with the realization that she thinks she might love him.

A part of her, perhaps the reasonable part, wishes to go back in time to warn herself. To, like... see if she can avoid this.

She isn't exactly sure how any of that will work.

In fact, she has no clue. Who knows? Maybe she'll look away whenever Raleigh's about to smile. Maybe Mako will forget all about eating together, high up and bathed in warm, orange-ish lighting as they gazed upon their- the jaeger. Dismiss the way the memory still pulls at her, still makes something crawl up her throat and threaten to expose her childish feelings.

Mako knows she most definitely has to prevent herself from thinking about how it felt when Raleigh held her, how he was practically an anchor for her as she embarrassingly chased the rabbit, helping her be guided back to what was real in that moment, not some memory from years ago.

But that will be very, very difficult. She knows that much.

With little knowledge on what to even do with her emotions, with her love, whether she should feel this way or not, she hesitates before looking over at Raleigh, all suited up in shiny black as he gazes at her, focused.

Maybe it's because of their previous time in the drift together, maybe it's all of their time in general. Maybe a bit of both. But she feels it, feels him and her lips press into a thin line, blinking slowly.

It's that small moment of humble acceptance, knowing even the best of their performance might not cut it, that they might not return.

That here, in the jaeger, may be where both of them lose together.

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