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You figured making spaghetti would be much faster than lasagna since your stomach was already voicing its discontent, and thankfully they had the necessary two ingredients. The makeshift stick cane helped you hobble around the kitchen grabbing a pot and throwing some pasta in the boiling water, and you found you actually felt kind of at peace. It wasn't the Surface—Flowey had to light a fire under the pot with magic—but it did remind you of home.

So while humming to yourself, you spun on your left leg and danced to a beat playing in your head, feeling almost happy for the first time in a while. Words slipped out soon after to a song from the Surface, and for a beautiful moment, you imagined you were back in your kitchen at home, making pasta so you had meals for the rest of the week. All of that seemed so distant now, like a dream. Part of you missed it, but another part of you felt relieved to get a break.

"What are you singing?" Flowey asked from in your coat. You couldn't see him due to the angle, but you smiled all the same.

"One of my favorite songs from the Surface."

"What's a song?" You felt his petals brush your shoulder as he tilted his head.

"You know, a melody you sing? It's got instruments and a vocalist sings lyrics that go with it?" It wasn't a good explanation, but science was your specialty and he never wanted to ask about that.

"We don't have those down here." You could hear the frown without seeing it.

"You're missing out." You sang some more as you stirred the pasta, guessing at how close it was to completion through taste. You shooed away the memories of Leon and the picnic that kept wanting to surface, dead-set on being happy because you weren't sure when you'd get the chance again. Your dance moves weren't very fluid—in fact, you'd call them janky and awkward—but you refused to quit despite the pain because wow this was relaxing.

Finally deciding the pasta was done, you found a plate to drain the noodles onto since strainers weren't a thing apparently, then found some sauce to place on top of it. Grabbing a fork from a drawer, you spun to sit down and eat but froze when you spotted a short skeleton blocking your way.

"Uh..." You both stared at each other, neither of you sure what to say. "I heard you makin' weird noises, what were ya doing?" He crossed his arms, hiding his panic with a glare.

"How long were you standing there?" you asked, tilting your head.

"S-Stop avoiding the question, fucker!"

You couldn't hide your smile as well as you liked. "Did you like my singing and dancing? I didn't think it was half bad considering I'm one leg short."

" looked fucking stupid. And dumb."

Your grin widened a little. "You're cute when you're flustered." A red haze spread across his skull and he struggled to think of something to say. You had fried his brain unintentionally but it brought you some joy to watch the big bad skele stumble over his words. "Is that a blush?" It was a genuine question, but he thought you were teasing.

"Shut up!" You stifled a giggle and used the cane to walk around him toward the couch. He was a little preoccupied cooling his face so he let you by with only an annoyed huff.

Papyrus was relaxing, taking up the whole couch, so you sat down on the ground next to him and let your stick fall beside you. You ate the spaghetti as you examined their TV, watching a weird robot monster talk about murder and extravagantly spin around. It was entertaining, and with food in your stomach, you were feeling a lot better.

"Hey Boss?" The tall skeleton barely offered a hum of acknowledgement. "What do I do if a monster attacks me?" Sans walked over to sit beside you as you waited for an answer. You sent him a kind smile that he wasn't sure how to respond to.

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