Chapter 11- Another Mission

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Maiko's POV

It had been a month since that incident happened with the hollows and lately there had been more incidents like that both, in the Soul Society and the World Of The Living.

"Mashiro, Shuhei and Maiko, we along with Shinji, Momo and Amy will be going to the World Of The Living next week to see the hollow appearances which has been happening lately. Be ready by next week you three." Captain Muguruma told us when he came back from the Captain's meeting.

"Okay Captain!" We all said as he nodded and everyone went back to their work. Well for me, I started thinking about what will happen in the World Of The Living. The most important thing I want to know is who is behind all of this hollow appearances. 'Only the time will tell' I thought to myself.

Amy's POV

"Amy, Momo, we are going to the World Of The Living next week to investigate the hollow appearances along with Kensei, Mashiro, Shuhei and MAIKO." Shinji said. He just came back from his Captain's meeting.

"Really? I miss everyone! Its really nice that I'll be able to see them next week!" I said as I hugged Shinji. "Yeah, me too" he said as he hugged me back. "Next week, right Captain?" Momo asked him as we pulled back.

"Yeah, be ready by then" he told her and she nodded and we all started doing what we were doing before Shinji came back. 'World Of The Living, Amy is coming back!' I thought to myself with a smile.


"Ready?" Shinji asked me and Momo as he came inside the office. We all had our Zanpakuto's and were ready to go. "Yeah, let's go!" I said as we three started walking towards the senkaimon to meet up with MAIKO, Kensei, Mashiro and Shuhei.

"Hey everyone" I greeted to everyone as we saw Kath, Kensei, Mashiro and Shuhei at the Senkaimon. "Hey Amy, Shinji and Momo!" Maiko greeted us back with a smile. "Now that everyone's here. Let's go!" Kensei said getting annoyed since we were taking time and talking to each other.

"Yeah, let's go" Maiko said and we all entered the Senkaimon and started walling towards the other end of the Senkaimon.

We reached the end and saw we were in front of that park. "Shinji, its 'that' park" I told him while laughing. "Yeah, I remember" he said as he put his hand behind my back.

"Let's get our Gigai's from Kisuke" He said and we all headed towards Urahara Shop. "Well well, isn't it a surprise" Kisuke said as we entered the shop. "Well your Gigai's are ready, you can take them, they're in that room" he said again pointing towards a room. We thanked him and went inside the room he told us in which our Gigai's were.

We all got into our Gigai's. My Gigai was wearing denim shorts and a light blue tanktop with NERD written in white. We all then went to the living room to have a small chat and update him about what's happening in the Soul Society.

"Kisuke, this is Maiko Yukimura, the 3rd Seat Of Squad 9" Shinji introduced her to Kisuke. "Hi, its nice to meet you" she said. "Same here, I'm Kisuke Urahara and this is Yoruichi and Tessai." Kisuke introduced Yoruichi and Tessai to her since everyone except Kath, knew them.

After we told him about the hollow appearances, "So where are you all plan on staying?" He asked us. "We all are gonna go to the warehouse!" Mashiro told him and we all agreed. "Hmm. Have a nice stay!" He said as we all started walking towards the warehouse.

"Amy!" Lisa shouted as soon as she saw me entering the warehouse first. "Lisa!" I said and hugged her as she hugged me back. "Shinji, Kensei, Mashiro, you all are here" Lisa said as we pulled away. "Yeah, we're on a mission" Shinji said as he sat down on a couch.

Before she could ask anything else, she got cut off "What's all this noise in the morning!?" Hiyori came down shouting annoyed because we were talking pretty loudly.

"Amy, Kensei, Mashiro, Shinji, why are you all here?" She asked us as she saw us with a surprised face. "We are actually on a mission." I said as I sat down on a couch as well. "Love! Hachi! Amy, Shinji, Kensei and Mashiro are here!" She shouted to them and soon enough both of them came to the living room and we all started talking including Shuhei, Maiko and Momo.

"So Shuhei, Maiko and Momo, follow me for your rooms and the others, you have your rooms" Lisa said after a while. "Okay" Kath said as she followed her with Shuhei and Maiko while we- me, Shinji, Kensei and Mashiro- went to our old rooms.

"Its the same" I said out loud to myself as I entered my room and saw everything was as it was when I left for the battle. 'I'm really happy to come back' I thought to myself as I sat down on the bed.

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