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Jaune Arc stood at a bar. The Ithorian bartender slid a glass of water his way. Jaune caught it and brought the glass to his lips, the cool liquid flooding down his throat and quenching his thirst.

He wore a dirty white vest, with a gray shirt underneath. The vests had yellow accents but had grown dull with time. Leaving his clothing color very faded and almost unnoticeable.

His lightsaber sat high on his back underneath the vest. Far out of reach, and out of sight. What was in sight, however, was the blaster on his hip. An RSKF-44 blaster was currently holstered, and anyone who knew anything about blasters could see that it was well-kept and maintained. Jaune himself had 'borrowed' it from a rich senator who had tried shooting him with it. The blaster was white with golden embellishments, very pretty looking but also very expensive. Jaune had held onto it as it had served him well in the past.

Jaune drank the rest of the water and placed the glass onto the countertop. Taking out a single credit, he layed it next to the glass before turning to leave. The Ithonian took the credit and resumed cleaning another cup.

Jaune walked up to the door, it sensed the motion and the once quiet dark bar was flooded with light as the doors slid open. He took a step out into the dusty air. The surface of Abafar was not pleasant, mostly flat dry lands creating some insanely powerful wind gusts. Civilizations had to be carved out of the ground to reduce the risk of being destroyed.

Jaune looked up, the atmosphere of the planet made a weird orange sky that seemed to go on forever. The only thing that looked more unnatural than the solid orange sky was the star destroyer floating above the city.

Jaune gritted his teeth. Berating himself internally. 'I thought I had more time!' He said, walking quickly away from the bar.

He needed to meet with his 'associates' so they could quickly get off this planet. His associates were smugglers simply trying to make due in the galaxy. Jaune wouldn't call them friends by any means, but they at least had a ship he could travel in, and a steady stream of credits as pay.

He rounded a corner and saw Lob-Zon the leader of their particular gang of misfits... talking to stormtroopers.

Jaune was spotted easily, with Lob-Zon turning and pointing at him. Jaune swore under his breath and turned to walk back the way he came. The stormtroopers caught up fast, however, and he could hear the blasters being primed.

"Halt Jedi! You are under arrest!" The stormtrooper said he and his partner both had their blasters pointed at his back. Jaune slowly raised his hands.

'Well, I guess my cover's blown.' Jaune thought sarcastically. Before whipping around and force-pushing the two stormtroopers off their feet. They landed with a grunt, and Jaune took off running.

He slid around the corner, keeping low to the ground as more stormtroopers spotted him. They opened fire, but Jaune was moving too quickly and the shots went wide. He drew his blaster out of its holster and shot twice, two flashes of plasma and the stormtroopers fell.

Jaune kept moving, scaling several crates so he could get above his pursuers. Now jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he spotted a ship in sight. His heart raced at the escape option.

However, as Jaune leaped from one rooftop to the next, a particularly strong gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell back into the alleyway.

Groaning, he placed a hand on the dusty ground. Rubbing the back of his head, he slowly stood. At the end of the alleyway, a figure in black stood. She wore a black helmet with a single red visor. She held a lightsaber with a circular design and the imperial symbol on both of her arms.

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