Jack the spaceman

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This ones about Jack Barakat because I love him..k bye.


I was still half asleep when I felt something rubbing my butt followed by a hand going into the back pocket of my jeans.

I turned around to see my boyfriend Jack, eyes still closed but sure enough his immature little hand was in my pocket.

I flicked his nose lightly "and what do you think you're doing?" I asked

He smiled devilishly before he opened his eyes.

He slid his hand out of my pocket

"Sorry I thought that was your back" he said laughing

"Yeah Jack, because all my shirts have denim pockets on the back right?"

I replied sarcastically

"You caught me. I just can't resist you. If your butt was the moon I'd be and ASStronaut" he smiled proudly

"How flattering." I laughed pecking his nose with my lips

"MOON LANDING!" he yelled as he put his arm around me and slid his hand back into my back pocket

"You're literally such a child" I said not being able to hold in my hysterical laughter.

He placed a kiss on my lips and it instantly deepened.

He slid his hand out of my pocket and up to my waist.

Slipping his hand under my shirt and resting just above my hip bone

I had one hand placed against his chest and the other tangling around his hair at the back of his head.

He licked my lips as he lightly tickled my waist.

I made quite possibly the weirdest noise I've ever made because it was a mix of laughter from the tickle and a moan from the heat Jack was causing throughout my body.

"What the heck was that? Did I hurt you or something?" He laughed

"No" I laughed blushing, embarrassed at the noise that slipped out of me

"I'm not entirely sure what that noise was or how I made it but it was definitely a good thing." I replied kissing his now slightly sweaty forehead

"Good. We can keep going then" he said wiggling his eyebrows as he moved his lips back to mine.

I smiled into the kiss for a couple seconds but then it got deep and intense.

I rolled on top of Jack and pulled his shirt over his head as he smiled and stared into my eyes. His sparkling brown ones filled with lust and love.

An hour later after one thing had lead to another I laid cuddled into Jacks side with my head resting on his bare chest.

"One small step for man. One GIANT leap for Jack Barakat" he said pumping his fist into the air.

"Really?" I laughed. "You're really going to go back to the cheesy, perverted astronaut jokes?" I asked. Looking up to meet his eyes as we looked into each others eyes.

"That was the last one" he said smiling so big I couldn't help but kiss him again.

"I love you" he said smiling against my lips

"And I love you my little spaceman" I replied kissing him back letting it last not wanting it to end.


WOOP WOOP the end. Let me know what you think and if you want one of your own!

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