From bottom, and up.

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(This isn't using any official lore from KP, all this shite is made up. The only thing in taking from KP is the map and goos. Enjoy <3)

Another boring day passed, working at Laminax. I am Y/N L/N. I'm a scientist at this... Company, if you can even call it that... It's unethical what they do here. I used to be a regular-ass scientist. But Laminax took note of my... "Successes" you may call them. I was offered a position that only the "top scientist around the globe" receive. They didn't day anything else. I was ecstatic. A company offering me a position that only the best receive? I took them on their offer, without questions.


What a fool I was. This place is unethical, a crime against nature. We take life, and make new life! What could go wrong with that? If you have the mental capacity of a six year old, you probably think that's cool. We at Laminax Laboratories can create life? Well you're dead wrong. Our creatures we make need hosts. Human hosts. These atrocities are deadly. Most of them can't kill us. But some can. You'd be hoping for death if one takes ahold of you. But enough about our company. If you're reading this, you have access to our files already and most likely know all this stuff already.


And Y/N pressed save. He uploaded his online diary to his work PC. It was quite late already, and he was getting ready to head home. He slowly removed his lab coat, and inspected the clothing item for any traces of goo.

"If this stuff makes it out into the public... All hell'll break loose." Y/N whispered to himself, still eyeing the coat. Upon completing his little investigation, he picked his bag up off of the cold ground, and shoved his coat into it.

Before Y/N could make it to his door, it opened. It was Jonah, Y/N's best friend.

"Hey, Y/N! Can you... Cover for me? Please? I have a night shift... But it's my son's birthday tomorrow... And I need time to prepare for it. Can ya' take my shift, dude?" Jonah was begging. He looked about ready to get on his hands and knees, and start praying.

Y/N groaned, running his hands down his face. "Can't you get anyone else to cover for you? I've been here since eleven AM. I don't plan on staying until 6 in the damn mornin'. Ask Anne to cover for you, or something."

"Aww man...! You know Anne won't cover for me anymore! Not after my awful attempt at flirting with her..." Jonah scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Just... Cover for me, man. I'll make it up to you! Promise!" His hands were clasped together. Jonah was now begging.

"Fine... For the kid, hoping he has a good birthday. Next time I have a night shift, you're covering for me. Got it?" At this point, Y/N just wanted to go home, and sleep. But... He decided to be nice. Jonah immediately beamed with happiness and joy... But also gratitude.

"Really? Thanks, man! I'll cover your next night shift, promise!" His hand made it's way to Y/N's shoulder. "See ya Monday!"

"You could just say 'see you tomorrow', you know?" Y/N chuckled, but in reality, he was dying inside. He's been working 8 hours, now he has another 11 hours?

Jonah gave Y/N a two-fingered salute before heading out of Y/N's office, and presumably heading home.

It's gonna be a long night tonight...


Hi, this is me. The writer. AutisticHumanoid. The person behind the- You get it. I'm redoing the story, because I hate how cringe the old one was. Sure, this is no better, but... Well, it is better. I should have worded that better. Huh, better kinda doesn't sound like a word anymore. Anyway this was just a smart way for me to do a time skip, because... Nothing eventful is gonna happen in a night shift. At least not this chapter.


Y/N's extended shift had finally ended. He, once again, packed his stuff away, not even bothering the check his coat for goo this time.

While leaving he saw the morning staff coming in from the elevators. Before he could make it to an elevator, a protogen had stopped him.

"Dr. L/N, why are you still here? Your shift ended approximately... Eleven hours ago! Shouldn't you be resting at-" Y/N had cut the protogen off before it could finish it's sentence.

"I was covering someone else's shift. I'm going home now, don't worry yourself." He spoke, in a reassuring tone. "Also, don't bother asking your usual question again. You already know I'm gonna say no." The protogen nods, and proceeds to walk away. "Dumb machines..." Y/N muttered under his breath, before heading to the elevators.


That's the end of chapter one

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That's the end of chapter one. Guess it came out faster than anticipated? Just means you, my beautiful readers, can read it earlier than expected.

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