1869 - 21

641 23 11

(Galvanism - the idea that scientists could use electricity to stimulate or restart life)

November 5th 1869

Jisungs P.O.V

The sun was rising over the distant horizon. I look out onto the lavish garden that accompanies my estate. My family have owned this land for generations. As I have recently turned the age of 20, I am expected to marry and move out onto one of my family's other lots, but I don't want that life for myself. I have never really been one for love, found it foolish and dangerous, those who endulge themselves in such fickle things loose sight of the true meaning of life. And that is discovery.

I believe the world has more secrets then it is willing to tell, and it is my passion and desire to discover those tales and the secrets of life and mankind. 

I sat myself down at the base of an old Great oak tree. The leaves cleverly shadowing my surroundings. On my far left I could see the family manor, standing tall with small buildings along side it that also belong to us. To my right I could see the end of the tall hill the family plot is perched on top of, the woods running down and in the distance, the small town of Mystic Falls that we are a founder too.

I pull my suit jacket closer to my body and push my already long and styled hair further back on my head, then opening my aged novel of Frankenstein. Having only been published 51 years ago, my copy, which was purchased for me as a child, has already suffered sufficient damage. However, no matter how many times I have opened these pages, I cannot not get over the tragic tale of the monster and his rejection from his creator. As I read on and on, past the letters and back story of Victor I finally near my favourite part. When he awakens him. You see the theory of galvanism fascinates me. Was it possible to bring someone back after they are dead? Or even bring life to motionless matter?

'It was on a dreary night in November...' Just as I was getting to the best part in the novel, my brother Alexander decided he was going to disturb me.

"Stop being such a loser brother and come riding with me"

I look up at him. He was older by two years. He has dark brown, almost black, slightly curled hair that was longer on the top of his head. His eyes were a bright light blue and he possesed freckles that litter across his face. If anyone was to look at us they would not guess we are siblings as I look more like our mother and he looks more similar to our father.

"Brother won't you get into trouble, remember last time we went riding in the mountains, father discovered our abscence and you took the blame." I countered and shuddered at the memory of the physical punishment my brother had received to save me. Shutting the cover of my novel, I stand up and brush the stray grass off of my suit and fixed my necktie.

"We shall be fine, father cannot control us all the time. Follow me Peter I have already prepared the saddle." And with that I followed him towards the stable, observing our horses, ready and prepared. Mine was a bright white beautiful girl with a long mane, I have had her since I was 7 and she was like my best friend. Her name was Willow.

We peacefully trotted through the mountains for hours, speaking of whatever subject we see fit, the sunset close by.

"The vampire problem is on the rise again" Lex absentmindedly spoke beside me.

"It always has been" When I stated that I was interested in knowing if there was a way to come back to life after death, I initially meant for scientific ways, but I couldn't not deny that I was fascinated by such 'mythical' creatures.

"Did you hear? Apparently the Salvatores sacrificed themselves for a woman who was a vampire"

"Yes I did, that was five years ago, now enough about them, I have already mourned their loss, and the death of their father, We shall not bring back burried emotions brother." I spoke, shutting the topic down, not wishing to converse about them any longer.

"I understand" Despite me being younger then Alexander, it occasionally felt as if I was the more mature brother, mainly as he was impulsive and arrogant and I was more careful.

A gunshot sounded in the far distance. The previous bright blue sky had been covered in dark, dreary clouds. A scream soon followed.

"Father!" Me and Alex yell in sync, ordering our horses to charge back towards the manor

We both dismounted them and charged towards our home. There stood a man, holding our father by the neck tightly and another in the same postion to our mother.

"LET THEM GO!" I scream out desperatly, I couldn't live without my mother. 

The man holding our father appeared to be in his early 20s, with light brown hair and a small beard, but it was the razor sharp fangs, the blood red eyes that gave it away. He was a vampire.

"What do you want here!"

"Only a bit of business" He replied and signalled something to the other stranger next to him, everything was like a blur. My mother's neck snapped as if it was a useless twig on a branch and my father's in the same sift motion. Both of the unidentified vampires charged forwards at me and my brother. Alexander was faced with the other vampire, who took him away. I could feel salty tears streaming down my face, but I held my stiff upper lip as I went face to face with the brunet vampire.

"Nice to finally meet you my friend, I am Klaus." His sickingly sweet tone only fueled the fire deep inside of me.

"Lets make a d-deal, you let my brother g-go and I'll do anything you say, ANYTHING!" I spoke, desperate for my brothers mercy. Not wanting him to suffer the same fate as my parents.

"Oh you think they are dead?" A cursed smile covered the bottom of his face as he nudged his head towards the corpses of my beloved parents.
"No no no I'm just turning them, you see I need this entire vampire phenomenon in Mystic Falls to subside, so you will be my scape goats of course! But you have a different job my friend, you see I am searching for this light clear crystal, it is called a moonstone, find it and I don't kill you or your brother, deal?"

"Y-y-yes, yes of c-course!" 

"Amazing so I'm assuming you chose yourself?"

W-what do you mean?"

"You or your brother?"

"Myself?" Not entirely sure what I had signed up for

"Fantastic!" He bit down on his own wrist and aggressively stuffed his blood into my mouth. The next thing I know, everything was black.

'A dreary night in November'


I hope you enjoyed this small insight into Jisungs past!

Goodbye my lovelys

Word count - 1210

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