Advice - 38

423 27 3

Jisungs P.O.V

Tears rolled down my face as I yanked on my hair and aggressively clutched at my chest. My rapid breathing refusing to slow down to its regular pace. The darkness of the kitchen only added to my distress.

All I could think about was how much I wanted this feeling to go away, I can't ruin Minhos life like that, how would I forgive myself if something were to happen? My heart ached with sorrow and sadness as I considered turning my emotions off, desperate for the sweet relief of not being able to care. Because that is the problem, I care about Minho, and I don't want him hurt.

I just sobbed, my muscles tensing so hard it was painful. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap gently around me, but I couldn't comprehend who it was. They were speaking. I have no idea what they are saying. I rested my forehead on their shoulder as I tried to steady my short and quick breaths. Their hand ran up and down my back comfortingly whilst the other rested on the back of my head.

Around 15 minutes passed before I could feel the tears dry and my breaths deepen.

I took a big sigh as I wrapped my arms around the person in front of me, pulling my head out of their shoulder to notice it was Chan.

"Chan-" I start, my eyes watering up again

"Shh, you're okay"

I let out another large sigh, blinking away the threatening tears whilst placing the side of my face back into his shoulder, facing him.

"W-why are you awake?" I let out in a very faint and broken whisper.

"I couldn't sleep so I was working, I came in here to get a coffee"

I just slowly nodded and closed my tired eyes.

"What's got you so upset?"

I thought for a moment, should I tell him about what Minho said? It would be comforting to talk to someone about it that isn't Min. And he said he wanted to ask the guys anyway so it would be okay right? But I don't want to burden Chan with my worries. No-

"Jisung?" He cut off my thoughts.

"Sorry I got l-lost in thought"

"Well do you want to talk about it?" His voice was soft and quiet, he continued to hold on to me which is when I realised we're both still sat on the cold kitchen floor.

"Umm... y-yeah I do, but let's get off of the floor" I pull my head off of him and move away, my fist finding my eyes to try and rub away the sadness. Chan quickly stands up and walks further into the kitchen, handing me a box of tissues.

"Just meet me on the couch, I'll be back in one second" he rubs my head comfortingly then swiftly scurries off in to the hallways. I stand up and pull my body towards the couch, sitting down and pressing myself against the arm rest.

I notice Chan walk back into the kitchen and open one of the cupboards, though it is difficult to make out what he is doing in the darkness.

He walks towards me and I notice he is holding two glasses and a lighter. Placing the glasses down, he lights two candles on the coffee table, which now illuminates the surroundings slightly. Then he hands me one of the glasses which I realise is full of blood. I smile slightly at the thought of him getting this for me despite it being from a random person in the hospital. He just has himself a glass of water.

"I figured you'd need some strength back so I went in to your suitcase, don't worry, I was careful not to wake up Minho, who I notice is sleeping on your bed." He gives me a teasing glare from over the rim of his glass as he takes a sip.

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