Chapter 4

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Lou swung by his and Nolan's home first to change clothes. Nolan was right. He had been focused on work too much and all these secrets going around that he'd barely been paying attention to Mandy. So, he changed out of the dress shirt and slacks and found something more casual. As casual as he could get, anyway. Jeans and a black T-shirt seemed casual enough. Clothes: check. Papers put away: check. No business, no secrets, no stress. Just him and Mandy.

He had a hand on the doorknob, ready to walk out, when his fingers twitched by his side. What if he forgot to sign one of the forms—no! Stop it. He and Mandy. Mandy. Think about Mandy. Lou steeled himself and locked the front door behind him. He repeated Mandy's name over and over in his head to block out the plethora of other things that tried to take top priority.

Although Mandy insisted he didn't have to knock before coming in, he did so anyway. This time, he waited by the door. She opened it a few seconds later, half surprised it was him. "You can just walk in. You don't have to knock."

"I know, but then the surprise wouldn't be as charming." Lou smiled, pulling out a small bouquet of roses from behind him. An investment that was a mix of trying to show Mandy his appreciation and constantly reminding himself on the way here that this evening was just about him and her.

The only reason she would be aware of was his appreciation. She beamed, taking the bouquet excitedly. "Aw, Lou! You didn't have to do that. And what happened to work?" She went to find a suitable vase for the pretty carnations. Lou let himself in, finally, closing the door behind him.

He shrugged, debating momentarily just claiming that he had got done early. "Um, Nolan kind of talked some sense into me. I took the rest of the evening off to spend time with you."

This made her pause in her search and look at him with wide eyes. "Really?" He gave a firm nod. "Are you feeling okay?" She couldn't help but ask, stepping up to him and putting a hand on his forehead.

His heart sank. He must have been pushing her away to the point where she didn't even believe him if he chose her over work. Lou took the hand that was on his forehead and held it firmly between his. "I'm feeling great. I'm...I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you. I know you've got to be frustrated with me at this point."

"Something like that," Mandy hummed, staring up at him. "But you've always been so caught up in work long before I even knew you. I guess it's just a habit at this point."

"It's still no excuse." He lifted her hand to kiss the back of it, offering a charming smile. "Which is why tod—" he paused, remembering what Nolan had said about needing a vacation, "—this week...I'll be spending it all with you."

Now she shook her head, grinning. "Funny, you'd have a heart attack stepping away from work for a week." She went back to find a good vase for the flowers.

"No, I'm serious," he reached above her, finding the perfect one, and setting it down on the counter. "A whole week, just me and you. No work, no...," secrets, "stress. Nothing. Just the two of us, okay?" He smiled, one hand going into his pocket while she scrutinized him. "I'm still working on understanding this whole boyfriend and dating thing. Please believe me when I tell you I'm trying."

"I know you are." She put the flowers in the vase and moved over to the sink to fill it with water. "That's why I'm trying not to get frustrated or upset because I know this is new for you. You've got work at the office and teaching the students and I know you've been doing those things long before I ever came into the picture. It wouldn't be fair to suddenly tell you to set them aside when—"

Gosh, the rambling. Lou had been smiling dumbly at her the whole time she talked before he decided to stop her lest she runs out of air. He turned her to face him and kissed her. He discreetly reached for the faucet to turn the water off. When he pulled back, he was pleased to see the pink dusted on her face. "It sounds like I'm going to have to make some changes to my routine, then. You seemed to have that speech planned out for a while."

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