Chapter 4

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Lorelei's P.O.V

He hates me.

I could tell by the way he could barely look at me, how he didn't acknowledge me, heck he didn't even introduce himself as my father even though we're both his kids.

He hates me and it's because I wear the same face as her.

My mother.

I understand why though.

I hate myself too.

It's the first time I actually admitted it to myself.

I hate myself because I wear the same face that hurt me and my brother.

I wear the same face as the person who's hurt so many people and I hate it.

It's shocking how Lorenzo can even look at me without hating me.

I just hope with time he can realize that I'm different from her, that in no way are we similar, that the only thing we have in common is the face we share.

I'm happy that Lorenzo has someone who loves him though, someone other than me.

Even though she hurt us both she was more lenient on me.

She hated Lorenzo more than me and I can now see why.

They share the same exact face. Lorenzo just looks like younger version of him obviously.

It's why I didn't mind taking punishments for him or covering my body with his.

She didn't go easy on me, but she didn't treat me as bad as she did Lorenzo.

Since we've been in the car he hasn't spoken a word to me.

Neither of them has.

I've just watched and observed as they conversed with each other. Leaving me alone.

My heart broke a little inside of my chest and I couldn't help but feel like the world was collapsing on my chest.

He was my father.

But I could tell he didn't want to be. His eyes were so cold when he looked at me.

Comparing the look in his eyes when seeing Lorenzo compared to me... it broke my heart in two.

I could feel the pain in my heart increasing and I can't help but just want to disappear.

I was scared. He didn't like me, nothing good could come from that.

I just focused on the happiness that gleaned against Lorenzo's face and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face at the moment.

He was so happy right now. It was so heartwarming to see.

But seeing his smile now I knew none of the smiles he gave me were real.

He has dimples.

I never knew that.

I knew there wasn't much to be happy about with the life we lived but I tried so hard to get him to smile, to make him laugh, I guess he just had to fake it.

Wish that wasn't the case though.

We had been driving for a few hours and all I wanted to do was finally get out of this car.

It was painful to sit here and be ignored while they seemed to so happy just talking to each other.

Maybe I need to ask something first.

The thought circled my head before I shrugged it away.

He doesn't want me. I just have to hope that's where the hate for me ends.

I was never good at reading people and it hurts that I can see the hate for me coming off of waves, he doesn't even have the energy to hide it.

I guess this is going to be my life for the next couple of years.

As long as I have Lorenzo I'll be okay.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and just let it go.

Hoping the pain in my heart would leave with it.

I leaned my head against the window and just watched the world flash by me.

~Time Skip~

I had fallen asleep a few hours into the car ride.

Only to be woken up by the sounds of excitement coming from my brother.

I was exhausted but it made me curious enough to pick my head up off the seat.

As soon as my eyes landed out the window I saw the house and I couldn't help but let me mouth drop.

It was huge and the outside was absolutely beautiful.

I couldn't help but feel intimidated though.

I knew that just because the house looked nice on the outside didn't mean it was the same on the inside.

We knew that first hand.

Our house was beautiful, ivy covered bricks, flower beds in the front, two story, white picket fence house. And yet the inside of that house was something totally different than what the outside showed.

Blood constantly covered the walls and floors and I was always the one cleaning it up.

It made me wary.

I couldn't help letting my eyes drift over to Lorenzo and the light that brightened up his eyes made my worries lessen.

He was so happy. Who am I to ruin that.

The car slowly pulled to a stop and the second it was stopped Lorenzo was pulling the doors open and jumping out.

Lucifer just laughed a little and shook his head in amusement before heading out after him.

As I make my way to go out the door it's slammed in my face and I back up quickly before it could hit me in the face.

Tears gather in my eyes and I take a deep breath to control them before opening the door again and stepping out.

Looking at them their already at the front door so with a heavy heart I pick up my pace to hurry towards them.

From listening to their conversations in the car and from the police officer I knew we had brothers.

I knew they were older than us too since momma had them before she left with us.

I was mentally preparing myself for them to hate me too.

I'm wearing the same face of our mother, the same woman who left them.

I just had to prepare myself for the worst.

I had reached them just in time as they were opening the doors and the noise that erupted from behind the door had me flinching back slightly.

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