One 🦋

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I absolutely hate Joe Burrow. He was so cocky when he couldn't even make it to or win a Super Bowl. The way girls just fawn theirselves all over him when in all reality he isn't that good looking.

You might be thinking to yourself who is this chick and how does she know Joe Burrow? Hi I'm Harley Taylor, yes the coach Taylor's daughter, and I work with him at the Bengals facility. I work with the media department.

I have graduated from Penn State University with a major in Media. So you know all of the TikTok videos and instagram posts that go absolutely viral? Yeah that's what I do. I have worked very hard to get to the position that I am in now and honestly I love every minute of it.

That is when Joe Burrow isn't around. Why I hate him? I have no clue mostly because he absolutely hates me and thinks I only got my job because of my dad when in reality my dad had little to no help with me working at the Bengals.

I was currently taking pictures of Joe for the new content with workouts and everything going on. However he was being impossible to work with. I eventually got some good videos and pictures of Joe and stormed off to the rest of the media team.

My best friend, Stella, who also works on the media team just laughs "Having fun?" she asks. I give her a look "He is absolutely impossible to work with!" I say sitting down to start editing. Our other friend James laughs "You know how our parents used to say they only act that way because they like you?" he asks.

Stella nods "Oh 100%" she says. I give them both looks "You two are crazy I do NOT like Joe and he does not like me" I say. They both shrug then Ja'Marr comes up, I am the closest with him on the team, he smiles "Sup Harley" he says giving me a high five.

I smile giving him one back "Sup Marr!" I say. He sits next to me "Whatcha three talking about?" he asks when Stella speaks up "How Joe and Harley like each other but won't admit it". I look at her with wide eyes then at Ja'Marr "She's crazy isn't she? We do NOT like each other" I say.

Ja'Marr shrugs "I can see it, I mean you two act so different from how the rest of us interact" he says. I roll my eyes and shake my head "You're all just crazy" I say. Ja'Marr shakes his head "You like him!" he says making us all laugh and then we hear "She likes who?" making us look.

It's none other than the man himself "No one and if I did it wouldn't be any of your concern or business Burrow" I say. He rolls his eyes and walks away. The others shake their heads and walk away.

-After practice-

I was getting everything uploaded when my boss, Madison, walks up "Hey Har! how much do you love me?" she asks. I look at her raising an eye brow "Depends on what you're gonna ask me" I say making her laugh.

She sits down at the desk with me "So I need you to work with Joe Burrow tomorrow and get us more content like you did today" she says. Madi knows about my hate for Joe and his hate for me, so I sigh and look at her "Fine, only because you're the best boss ever" I say.

She cheers making me laugh "Anyways afterwards, since tomorrow is Friday, I will take you and the others out for drinks" she says walking away. I laugh again "Buy me a shot of tequila and I will make sure the content is the best!" I say as she walks away laughing. How did I get so lucky to do content of Joe? AGAIN!

-Next day-

I was in early to get ready for all of the Joe content I would be getting. To be nice I brought the people in the media office coffees, which was just me, Madi, Stella, and James. I take mine and walk out to where Joe is.

Joe was just stretching so I instantly get ready and take some pictures and videos. He notices and makes a face which makes me give him a look but I actually laugh because it makes a good picture.

He comes up "Ya taking more content today?" he asks. I just nod and continue taking pictures of him "You're my assignment today so" I say he just nods and then goes back to his workout. Did I just have a civil conversation with Joe? It might snow.

I eventually got a lot of pictures and eventually posted on picture that I knew would get a lot of good feedback. I did have to admit he looked absolutely good in the picture but I wouldn't ever tell anyone that. He didn't need to know I thought he was good looking, it would make his ego go through the roof.

Madison and Stella come up to me "Girl that picture! Does things to me!" Stella says. I just roll my eyes as Madi laughs at Stella "You girls ready for drinks?" she asks. We both nod "I'm gonna meet you guys there and get some more of these pictures and videos posted" I say.

They say ok and then walk out. I work on the videos and stuff for tiktok eventually getting it uploaded. Once I am done I grab my stuff and head out of the office. I go to turn the corn accidentally walking into someone.

"Oops sorry" I say looking up seeing its Joe. He looks at me "No my bad I wasn't looking where I was going" He says. I nod and start to walk away "Hey um the pictures and stuff are actually really good" he says making me look at him.

There's no way Joe Burrow actually complimented me? I smile and nod "Thanks.." I start and think as he walks away "Um actually Joe, some of us from the Media team and I think some players are going out for drinks if you would like to come?" I offer making him look at me and he nods "I'd like that" he says then walks away.

I smile as he walks away. What the hell is happening? Me and Joe had a civil conversation TWICE, he complimented me, and I offered him to come out with us to which he accepted. And for some odd reason I have this feeling in my stomach when he complimented like a bunch of butterflies.

___A/N: Ah I am so excited to start this! This story was supposed to Best Friends Brother but I had no idea how to continue that story so I made it something new that I actually am so excited to write for you guys!

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A/N: Ah I am so excited to start this! This story was supposed to Best Friends Brother but I had no idea how to continue that story so I made it something new that I actually am so excited to write for you guys!

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