Eight 🦋

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I ran as fast as I could to get out of that building and into Stella's car and just broke down. I could not believe I was so STUPID to believe that Joe actually had feelings for me. I knew it was too good to be true. Everything I ever believed about Joe was true.

I was in the back with Madi who was just holding me and letting me cry on her "It just doesn't make sense that he would do that to you Har" she says and I sniffle sitting up "Yes it does" I say crossing my arms.

Stella shakes her head no "It doesn't because Joe was so into you" she says and I just shake my head and get out when she pulls up and go into my house. I just go up to my bed and curl in and just cry.

-Next day-

I woke up the next morning still in my dress from yesterday and makeup all over and just groan rolling over to see I only have 10 minutes to get ready "Shit!" I quickly get up and grab my phone while trying to get ready and call Madi.

Luckily she answers right away "Don't worry about being late ok? Just take your time getting here" she says and I sigh in relief "You're the best boss and bestest friend ever" I say making her laugh. We soon hang up and I just relax and take my time.

I get a quick shower just washing my face and body deciding to leave my hair down since it was straightened just yesterday. I then throw on a bengals crewneck and a pair of biker shorts along with some sneakers.

I leave my face natural and just walk out the door. I hear my phone ring making me look at it seeing it's Joe and I just decline it. I am not dealing with him.

-During the day-


I have tried talking to Harley all day long and nothing. She won't answer my texts or calls, every time I see her on the field she walks the opposite way. Eventually she is alone and just looking through photos she took so I walk up. She sees me and rolls her eyes starting to walk away but I run up and stop in front of her.

She looks at me with a look of pure disgust and hate "My god can you just leave me alone!" she snaps and I shake my head "Not until you listen to what I have to say" I say and she just rolls her eyes and tries to walk away but I grad her arm pulling her back "Just please" I say and she sighs and just stands there.

I take a deep breath "What you saw yesterday was not at all what happened" I start then she scoffs "You mean you and Jayce kissing? I am pretty sure I saw you both crystal clear" she says and I shake my head "But that's the thing she kissed me, I did not kiss her" I say and she shakes her head.

She then laughs "No because not only did you kiss the person who hates me the most in this whole facility you tell me to go cry to my daddy? Seriously Joe? I though we gotten over that" she says and I sigh "I did because now I know how hard you work" I say trying to get her to understand me.

She just shakes her head "No I think it's just better if you and I go back to hating each other and pretend we never happened" she says making my face drop and heart break. I shake my head no "No that's not what I want Harley, I want you" I say and she just shakes her head and walks off.

I just stand there trying not to cry as Ja'Marr and Sam come up "She doesn't believe you?" Sam asks and I shake my head no looking down. That's when both Madi and Stella come up "Well we may have a way to fix this for everyone" Madi says making me look at her with a go on look.

-During Lunch-


I was just sitting at the table not even eating my salad when I hear people laughing making me look up seeing Jayce and a few of the other girls "Imagine the star quarterback actually liking the media girl" she says making them laugh which just makes me fume so I stand up pushing the chair back making it loud causing everyone to look.

I walk over to their table "Imagine acting like you're still in middle school with the picking on people" I say and Jayce looks at me with a look of disgust. She goes to say something but we hear everyone's phone go off with an air drop notification. I look down at my phone and see it's a video of Joe and Jayce making me click on it.

Once it plays you can see it clear as day that Jayce was the first one to kiss Joe and Joe clearly trying to pull away but she wouldn't let him. I just look up and see Jayce with a look of pure worry then look at me "Um...well.." she starts but I stop her "Honestly Jayce don't, I will never understand you why do you have to go after someone who clearly isn't into you?" I ask.

She just scoffs and walks off ashamed that someone got the recording. I look down at my phone and then over at the offense table to see Joe isn't there. So I walk up and Ja'Marr is the first one to smile at me "He didn't come to lunch he's in the locker room" he says and I smile nodding and quickly run out and to the locker rooms.

I knock on the door then hear a come in so I walk in and see Joe just sitting in front of his locker. He looks up and sees me and stands up as I walk up to him "Harley look..." I just cut him off by wrapping my arms around him "I am so sorry I didn't believe you" I say tearing up feeling horrible that this whole time he was telling the truth.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly "Harley, I would never ever try and hurt you like that ever" he says placing his head on top of mine. I just hug him tightly knowing he was right. I know Joe would never do this even when we hated each other. I sniffle and look up at him "I should have believed you" I say and he shakes his head wiping the tears that fell "If I saw what you saw I would have reacted the same way" he says.

I just smile slightly "Beside you're a WAYYY better kisser than she is" he says making me laugh "Am I really?" I ask sarcastically and he nods laughing. I smile and lean up kissing him.

I know Joe would never intentionally try to hurt me.

A/N: I am not gonna lie I had more of this chapter written out yesterday afternoon and then came back last night to it all gone :') so I had to rewrite what i kind of remembered writing.

But they forgave each other! We know our Joey B would never! I hope you all loved this chapter!

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