Four 🦋

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I said hi to everyone, well almost everyone. I went to say hello to Joe but he already disappeared. I sighed and sat with the girls listening to what they said but I can't get the thought of Joe's tone earlier and the look he had when I said hi to Sam.

I must have been deep in thoughts because Stella snaps her fingers in my face "Har, go and talk to him because honestly you need to talk" she says. I look at her "He doesn't want to talk, he walked out before I could say hi to him" I say. She gives me a look "He is right now alone outside, make him talk to you" she says. I look outside and sure enough he is outside alone.

I get up and walk outside and up to where he's sitting. He must have heard me coming because he looks over then sighs seeing it's me. He was sitting on our porch swing that we had outside by the pool that's far from the house so I sit with him "You think you'd be to get away from me saying hi to you?" I joke making him give me a look.

I chuckle then look a head "Why did you act the way you did earlier Joe? You know that I have no feelings for Sam and that Sam and Stella are madly in love with each other" I say and he looks at me and sighs "I don't know honestly, I guess it was jealousy?" he says almost like a question.

I look back at him all I can think about is why he is jealous? I want to ask him but I don't want to push him. I chuckle "Well I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I wasn't assigned to you today" I say. He looks at me shocked "Is that so??" he asks smirking.

I roll my eyes "Don't let your ego get to you, it was only because I have worked with you all week so I know how to capture you the best" I say. He just laughs making me laugh too.

He goes to say something but is interrupted when Stella and the others come up. Stella sits next to me with Madi "Sup lovers" she says. I give her a look and Joe just laughs "Can say the same about you and Sam" I say. Both their eyes widens and she stays quiet. Ja'Marr and Madi start cracking up "Oh don't you two start we ALL see the looks you give each other.

Their jaws drops making both me and Joe laugh with each other and give each other a high five "We do not give each other looks" Madi says laughing. We all give her a look, even Ja'Marr and it just makes her go quiet. We all start laughing at her and the look she has.

-Later on into the night-

We had decided to make a little bon fire after most the players left and now it's just all the same ones from earlier. I walked out with a blanket and sat down seeing Joe sitting on the ground next to me "Joe you can sit up here with me if you want" I say to him.

He looks at me and smiles nodding and comes up
sitting with me. I smile and offer him some of the blanket and he nods letting me put it over both of us.

Everyone's quiet for a bit until Sam speaks up "I really hope we make it back to the Super Bowl this season" making us all nod. I listen to everyone but my eyes start to get heavy.


We were all talking about how it was being in the Super Bowl the following year until I felt a head on my shoulder. I looked over and seen Harley laid her head on me and fell asleep. I would lie if I said I didn't feel something burst in me.

I smile and carefully wrap my arm around her letting her snuggle more into me. She looks so peaceful sleeping. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a "Awhhh" come from next to me.

I look and see Stella and Madi are looking over here with the awe looks on their faces. I just roll my eyes "Man Burrow, you've got it bad" Ja'Marr says. I shake my head "I don't have anything bad Marr" I say.

Sam laughs "Yeah? Then why are you letting Harley keep her head on your shoulder, if you guys had done this a week ago you would have pushed her off of you" he says. Honestly Sam is right if she had done this way before I would have shrugged her off my shoulder.

I just have a different feeling with her now. I can't exactly explain it, I get these bursts in my stomach every time she's near me or talks to me. I get upset when she's not assigned to take photos of me. Maybe I do like her?

I can't let the others know that tho, especially not Harley. I mean it's Harley we're talking about. But these feelings aren't going away. Also holding her here felt almost like it was meant to be and she just fits into me so perfectly.

I look down at her and honestly she looks so peaceful. But I just can't have feelings for her. Yet here I am totally thinking I do. I like Harley. I smile slightly realizing that I like her and totally just start to not listen to the others and look at her lightly running my fingers through her curls.

She nuzzles more into me as I do so making me smile. Interrupting my thoughts, Stella says to just me "I honestly hope you two end up together but just know if you hurt her I will hurt you" making me look at her and nod.

A/N: Andddd we're updated! I wanted to get this out to you guys before I get busy this weekend and am not able to!

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