episode sepuluh | akhir

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The dinner went well, everyone was happy. After dinner is done, Datin has to leave due to her work call and leave Laila under Ida care. While their parents were cleaning the table, the three siblings sat outside the house on the stairs as they gaze up at the stars.

"Cantik bintang." Just as Laila said those words, a flash of memories hit her.

(memories flash)

"Kalau saya suka awak, awak nak buat ape?" Kahar said.

"Cinta hati saye." He said as he looked at Laila.


Laila fainted as soon as the memory flashback ended, "Kahar..." She whispers while her sight becomes darker and the only voice she heard was the worry tone in both her brothers' voices.

"Naim, ape nak buat ni!" Panicked, I ask my brother as he pulls Laila's head onto his lap.

"Panggil mama, papa!" He shouted while trying to wake Laila.

"MAMA! PAPA! TOLONG!" I scream as loud as I can and soon the sound of footsteps approaches us.

Looking up, I stare at both my parents' faces as they watch as my older sister passes out on Naim's lap, "Ape dah jadi ni?" Mom asks us as she reaches Laila and checks on Laila breathing.

"Kenapa dengan kakak?" Ask dad.

"Tak tahu, kitorang just tengok bintang and kakak cakap cantik bintang terus tiba-tiba dia pengsan!" Said Naim.

"Fakhri rasa, kakak kena memory hit ni." I told them.

"Last, kakak sebut nama Kahar sebelum dia pengsan." I add.

Mama and papa look at us, "Kalau gitu, jom bawa kakak dalam bilik." Said dad.

Nodding my head, I began to carry my sister bridally and walked into the house while the rest followed behind me. When we reached Laila's old room, mom opened the door and allowed me to walk in first since I am carrying Laila.

Just as we all step inside the room, I put Laila down on her bed. She looked so peaceful as if nothing had happened to them, mom and dad sat down on each side of her bed while mom caressed her cheek.

"Naim, tolong sediakan air dan ubat sakit kepala." Nicely, mom asked Naim to grab water and headache pills.

"And Fakhri, sediakan air panas. Kakak mungkin terkejut dan nak mandi air panas lepas dia bangun." Mom added as I nodded my head and walked out of the room, toward the bathroom.

"Kakak dah dapat memory dia, ini pertanda bagus." I whispered as I turned the water heater on.

After the small event, Laila woke up in shock. She remembered everything, yet she acted like it never happened which confused her brothers. They were called back to school after two days of resting at home because the principal had something to tell them.

When they reach school, the three realise that almost every form four and five students were in the assembly hall yet Laila eyes locked on Kahar, his lovingly stare at Laila causes a tiny blush to appear on her cheek.

The siblings make their way to the very front as the meeting starts, they listen to what Tuan Yusof stated. Everyone has a determined face, they want the traditions to end and so they will do it together.

Once the meeting ended, Laila left her brothers and looked for Kahar. She couldn't spot Kahar when her leg trips and she waits for her face to meet the floor but an arm catches her, "Hati-hati cinta." Kahar said as he pulled her into his arms.

"Kahar." Laila blurted out his name.

Eventually, after Kahar and Laila reunited. They seem like, don't want to leave each other's side. They stick to each other's side once Laila returns to school without her brothers after all, she really didn't get involved in the school mess.

As the pair sat next to each other, Laila nervously rubbed her hands together. It was the day, everything will be revealed to the media and parents about the school secret society. Laila watched as her brothers stood at the front while facing everyone, patiently waiting for Tuan Yusof.

Once he appear, Tuan Yusof walk toward the announcement table, "Assalamualaikum, selamat pagi kepada pihak media," As soon as Tuan Yusof announce, Dato Abu eyes widen and head rose as he look at the back, "Ibu bapa, pihak alumina serta pelajar-pelajar kudrat yang sudi hadir ke pehimpunan khas ini." Tuan Yusof state.

The announcement make Dato Abu to be uncomfortable as he sat around his alumina partners, "Tanpa melengahkan masa, tujuan sebenar saya menjemput tuan-puan ke sini, hari ini adalah untuk menjelaskan, perkenaan tentang pelbagai isu yang membelenggu pretasi kudrat sejak belakangan ini." He said.

"Bermula dengan kes lewat, kes gaduhan besar-besaran diantara batch yang mengakibatkan kecederaan kritikal kepada beberapa pelajar, dan setelah pihak sekolah membuat siasatan secara menyeluruh, kami." He started.

"Dengan penuh perasaan rendah diri dan dukacita. Pihak sekolah kami telah membuat keputusan, untuk mengambil tanggung jawab penuh terhadap semua kes-kes ini." He said as the sound of camera flashes and whispering began.

"Kami semua gagal," He started, "Gagal mengenalpasti bahawa wujudnya pertubuhan gelap yang digelar high council, satu pertubuhan yang memenrintah kegiatan semua pelajar di luar kelas." He said while staring at each of his students.

"Yang paling menyedihkan, kami gagal mengenalpasti bahawa pihak alumina yang bekerja rapat dengan kami dalam pentadbiran sekolah ini, sedar dan arif tentang semua kegiatan ini, namun tidak sedikitpun membongkar atau berhasrat untuk membanteras semua ini, semua atas nama tradisi." He said.

"Berkumpulnya kami, tuan dan puan-puan di sini bukanlah untuk mengumumkan perbuangan mana-mana pelajar, tapi untuk membongkar semua kegiatan tradisi turun temurun melalui kerjasama pihak media." He continued.

"Dan dengan itu, saya menjemput Nor Naim bin Firdaus dan Nor Fakhri bin Firdaus Ismet menjadi wakil kepada semua pelajar kudrat dalam melafalkan ikrar khas, dipersilakan pelajar-pelajar kudrat." As soon as Tuan Yusof finish his sentences.

The brothers step in fronts and everyone got up from their chair and begin making their way to the two brothers behind, Laila watch as everyone repeat after her two brothers. She smiles softly, finally nobody will go through what they've gone through everyday.

The pledge ended with Naim, it was tense until Laila stood up, "Death!" She screamed startling everyone, "To the high council." She ends the pledge with a bow and smiles at her brothers but her eyes land on Kahar.

He looks scared as his father leaves the hall.

Walking out the hall as soon as the assembly ends, I look for Kahar when I hear sobbing coming from the left side of the hall. Quickly I rushed to the sound, the moment I arrived; Kahar was on the floor crying. It saddened me and the only thing she could do was comfort him.

Approaching him, I embrace him into my arms, "Takpe, saye ade." I whisper into his ears.

"From now on, it's just you and me." I add as he cries into my arms.

As long as I am here, nobody will hurt you anymore, Kahar.


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