Chapter 11

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After classes Johnny and I went out to a fancy restaurant, he had made reservations for. I dressed in a black dress and did my hair up all fancy. When I got there Johnny was wearing a plain white button up. Even though he wasn't wearing anything fancy, there was still a hint of elegance in his look. While we waited we took a photo in the mirror. Then we were seated. We ordered our food and then were waiting for it to come.

"I've always wondered, what's your favorite childhood memory?" Johnny asks.

"Well, it was when I was super little, before my dad left... We went out to a Mexican restaurant all together, I don't remember much that happened except that for once in my life I felt like my family was normal, but then I also remember as soon as we were in the car they started fighting again, and... actually I don't want to talk about that anymore" I say.

"That's fair. Well I have another question, what do you think is your greatest weakness?" he asks.

"Well, I would probably say that I self criticize too much!" I say, laughing, "What would yours be?"

"Probably that at times I am very... unrealistic," he says, "So, do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?"

"No, not really, how about you?" I answered.

"Well I'm not doing anything tomorrow but on Sunday I think that I have some volunteering thing on, it ends around 5:30" he says. 

Johnny tells me that he'll pay for me, I tried to convince him that he didn't need to but he wouldn't take any convincing. So I thanked him and waited at the till. Just as he finished the cashier smiled at us.

"You two are so cute, have a nice night!" 

I laughed, and we walked out.

- Switch Perspective - Johnny - 

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As we walked out I smiled to myself, the host just said we were cute. They thought we were a couple, she laughed, but it's true... to me. I would be embarrassed if I wasn't so pleased that everyone else sees what she never sees. We would be perfect together, but I will never be "the one". I have to stop loathing our friendship, she taught me a lesson that feelings are reckless. It's just like in the novels, the side characters always end up alone... So I will just take a footnote in her life. Every line that I would write for her but a footnote will do I guess.

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- Switch Perspective - Maya -  

The next day I was just sitting alone in the dorms, missing Evelyn. But finally the day was over, I texted her, Lucas and Johnny goodnight and went to sleep.

That's the end of Chapter 11! Chapter 12 will be longer I promise, and it will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

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