Chapter II: Where She Begins

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The Eighteenth Century ( 18th C. ), Seventeen Hundreds ( 1700 A.D. ), what a time to be alive. More specifically Seventeen Fifty Eight on the Fourteenth of July, entering a brothel in the region of Kent, Harbour City of Chatham, was a young man named John Hatt. An odd name for one who seemed so young and full of life it may seem.

As he walked in, nothing could prepare him for the smell that was of humanity's oldest past time. One which most young men yearn for but stride away from with every ounce of their being. One where the majority of people in there were soldiers and sailors off duty.

And if you didn't understand that, this brothel was pretty popular or another word of a brothel is a "Whore House"
As John walked in, he could already smell the overwhelming strong musty odour of dried alcohol and the fresh scent of sex, which he wasn't fond of instantly, moreso of the fact that this specific location operated 24/7 and rarely stopped to be cleaned.

Sailors and Locals mixing in, drinking alcohol, smoking and having sex right In Front of each other. Rooms are almost full but a few are still up for grabs if customers are up for a more 'private session'. The sex in the main was more of the fore-play rather than the actual deed.

He had entered this establishment to have a good time himself as pubs can only go so far, not only that, he had few friends who stayed around as most went off to do their own things. As he walks around, the others try to get him into high spirits, beer is passed onto him for he drinks it without complaints. Soon becoming intoxicated as his alcohol tolerance wasn't as strong yet.

The night passed on, the brothel was partying like it was a recent Victory for the Empire. Yet, within one of the rooms, a worker and a young man were dead asleep. Strangely enough, the worker had allowed this as her and the young lad were quite pleased with the session that he had paid for.

The worker slowly woke up, finding herself on top of the young lad she had the pleasure of servicing this night. With a more clearer mind she looks down his body, taking in his build which was lean at the least. For a young lad he was fairly fit, and 'quite dashing' for a commoner. Yet, for this poor worker, she would never have predicted the outcome that would be.


Possible continuation interaction between these two. Unsure of it.
Comment if you want it. Willing to do so.


Darkness, that was all that was around. A peaceful yet lonely place for anyone to be in, not knowing the consequences of yelling or screaming into this blackness. Why? It isn't being alone that scares the mind, it is not being alone that scares it. This question plagues the brain every time the eyes send signals to it through the nervous system, telling the brain that it is looking into the dark of outside.

Yet within this dark, black abyss, a light sprung out. Albeit tiny, it crept outwards until it engulfed the remaining area. To which, sound can be audible through the ears of the human body, which is picked up as inaudible mumbling. The next second, is what everyone dreads. Crying and wailing.

Although unknown, to be known, voice starts to soothe the sour eardrums as the almost angelic voice calmed the wailing noise maker. Which in this case, was an infant being calmed by its mother.

The infant was opening its eyes, which was surprising for the woman as her previous children didn't open their eyes until much later in life, around 9 months to a year old. Her newest child had opened their eyes at just 2 weeks old, which was unheard of in this era.


The reaction was that akin to being scared, yet the mother kept her composure and settled the baby down.

"Shhhshhh.. I'm here, I'm here."

The mother coo's to the calming baby, holding said baby in her arms gently and swaying back and forth.


The mother, looking at her baby lovingly, walks out of the nursery and out to the sitting room, where the rest of her young children sat and played with their toys. 3 girls and 2 boys, they played with each other with 2 of the girls running after each other, surprisingly for 2 year olds.

As the mother was about to sit down, a knock came at the door. Smiling as she assumed she knew who it was, she walks over and looks through the peeping hole, seeing familiar faces her smile shines even brighter as, with one hand, she unlocks the door and opens it, greeting the new arrivals.

"Elizabeth, Jackson. Evelyn and Eve. Great to see you've arrived here on time!" The mother greets.

"It has been a while, hasn't it. Amelia." Jackson replies to her.

"Come in, my husband will be with us shortly." She informs them, opening the door fully.

The Mother, now known as Amelia, welcomes the four inside as Jackson holds the door open for the lady's. They enter the sitting room with the children now looking at them, smiling while playing ignorantly with their toys and each other.

The four then sit on the furniture, one of the boys comes over and looks up at Elizabeth, who smiles, bends over and picks the child up to sit on her lap. The child giggles while being picked up and sat down, happy to receive attention from the older lady.

Amelia looks up the staircase of the house, her husband walking down in a formal attire. A suit that would be formal for the era. No tie as he had that back in their room, he was getting ready for a meeting with his higher bosses at the company he worked at.

He came closer, giving her a kiss on the cheek while smiling softly. Both then enter the room with their guests and sit down on a chair each.

"Hello, John. How have you been?" Evelyn asked the husband of Amelia.

"Pleasant at this current time, along with my significant other here. We have invited you here to announce the name of our new child." The man said, now identified as John.

The girls gasp in surprise while Jackson hums in amusement, he knew John personally as he came back from being out of town for 2 years.

John Hatt and Amelia Conway. Even though the children were recorded as being in the 'Hatt' family, both had argued enough for them to also have the 'Conway' family name as well. Amelia was especially proud while John was happy that his wife wasn't going to do anything stupid, said both had come to a compromise that they'll refer to them as 'Hatt' for publicity's sake.

"Oh wonderful! What is her name?" Asked Eve, curiosity filling her mind.

"Well, we thought to name her Medina, after John's grandmother who passed away a year ago.. but I decided that it didn't fit her." Amelia explained.

"We argued, but came to a conclusion of a name after one of John's colleagues suggested it. So, we've decided to name her…"


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