Chapter 31: New Ruler of Eldoria

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Amelia sat upon the imposing throne of the king, her countenance void of any emotion. A cry of desperation rang through the chamber, capturing her attention. Her eyes narrowed as she observed the knights forcefully dragging a figure towards her. It was the princess, struggling and pleading for her release.

"Let me go! I am the princess!" the princess cried out, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and defiance.

Amelia's piercing gaze followed the commotion until the princess was unceremoniously thrown at her feet. Maxine, trembling and wide-eyed, glanced up at Amelia, the fear etched across her face evident.

With a chilling calmness, Amelia broke the silence, her voice carrying an unmistakable air of authority.

"Where is my lover?" she demanded, her words resonating with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those present in the room. The knights exchanged uneasy glances, aware of the consequences of their failure to provide an answer.

Maxine's laughter echoed through the chamber, capturing Amelia's attention. Rising from her throne, Amelia's eyes locked onto Maxine, a mix of curiosity and intrigue in her gaze. She called out to Seth, her loyal companion, with a simple command.

"Seth, the head," Amelia muttered, her voice carrying an air of detached determination.

Without hesitation, Seth swiftly retrieved the severed head of the fallen king, presenting it to Amelia. As the gruesome sight met Maxine's eyes, a rush of emotions washed over her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as a mixture of grief and anger consumed her.

"Father... you witch! How could you!" Maxine's voice trembled with anguish and accusation, her words directed at Amelia.

Amelia's chuckle filled the air, a chilling sound that reverberated through the chamber. She handed the grisly trophy back to Seth, her eyes never leaving Maxine's trembling figure.

"You would do well to reveal where my beloved is," Amelia's voice dripped with cold determination, her threat hanging in the air. "Or else, you'll meet the same fate as your father."

Amelia's smirk widened, relishing in the sight of Maxine's helplessness. With a calculated step, she pressed her foot onto Maxine's hand, exerting pressure as she whispered her question once more.

"Where is Y/n?" Amelia's voice held a cold edge, her eyes drilling into Maxine's trembling form.

Maxine's voice cracked with desperation as she cried out, "I'm don't know! Y/n fell off the horse while we were attempting to escape from the pack of wolves."

Amelia's expression froze, shock and disbelief washing over her. The weight of Maxine's words struck her like a cruel blow. Suddenly, a group of knights burst into the chamber, their urgency apparent as they approached their queen.

"Your Highness, I believe this belongs to you," one of the knights declared, presenting a simple necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. Tears streamed down Amelia's cheeks as she reached out to accept the necklace.

Maxine sneered with spite, her words dripping with disdain, "Most likely, she's already dead."

Overwhelmed by a mixture of grief and rage, Amelia cried out in agony. Clutching the necklace tightly, she kicked Maxine away, toppling her to the ground. Overcome by her emotions, Amelia straddled Maxine's form, her hands closing around Maxine's throat, her grip tightening with each passing moment.

Amelia's voice, consumed by a mixture of madness and anguish, erupted with fury as she blamed Maxine, "If you hadn't taken her away from me, none of this would have happened!"

Maxine gasped for breath, desperately trying to loosen Amelia's grip around her neck. Amelia relented, pulling away and causing Maxine to cough violently.

"As I promised, your death will not be painless. Escort her to the dungeon," Amelia uttered, her tone cold and unwavering. The knights, their apprehension of their Queen's fury mounting, obediently followed her command without hesitation.

"No! Please!" Maxine cried out, her pleas falling on deaf ears as the knights forcefully dragged her away. Amelia took her seat, a dark aura enveloping the room.

"Amelia! What is the meaning of this?" Her father burst into the room, his face turning pale at the sight of the lifeless bodies scattered about.

"There was no body, correct?" Amelia asked the knight who had recovered the necklace.

"Yes, Your Highness. Only the necklace," the knight replied, a hint of unease in his voice. Amelia nodded silently, her mind focused on her search for Y/n.

"I shall not cease my search for Y/n. I will venture into other realms, conquering kingdoms if necessary. Do you understand?" Amelia spoke with an icy demeanor, her resolve sending a shiver through the soldiers who stood before her.

"Crystal clear, Your Highness!" they bellowed in unison, their unwavering loyalty pledged to their Queen's cause.

"Take him away," Amelia commanded, her voice devoid of any mercy, as the soldiers dragged the duke out of the room.

"Seth, spread this news to everyone," Amelia murmured, her voice carrying a sense of authority. Seth nodded in understanding and promptly departed to relay the message, ensuring that everyone would be informed of Amelia Montclair's ascension as the new ruler of Eldoria.


Isabella smiled warmly as she watched Y/n devour the food before her.

"Thank you, doctor. This is delicious. Are you also a cook?" Y/n chimed, her enthusiasm evident. Isabella chuckled softly in response.

"It's just a simple soup, Y/n. But I'm glad you like it. Please, enjoy," Isabella replied, her voice gentle and caring. Y/n beamed with delight as she continued to savor the soup and bread that Isabella had prepared.

"Do you remember anything else, Y/n? Or just your name?" Isabella inquired, curiosity tinging her words. Y/n shook her head cheerfully.

"No, not really. Just my name," Y/n answered with a hint of innocence. Isabella nodded understandingly.

"I see. Well, if you'd like more bread, please help yourself," Isabella offered, extending the plate of bread to Y/n, who eagerly took another piece, her gratitude evident in her expression.

"Doctor, do you live alone? Are you married?" Y/n asked curiously, her eyes filled with intrigue. Isabella chuckled softly, feeling a slight embarrassment.

"Oh, I don't have someone at the moment. I'm too busy taking care of my patients. Their well-being is my top priority," Isabella replied with a warm smile. Y/n's amazement grew as she admired Isabella's dedication to her work.

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