Chapter 33: Abducted

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Amelia donned her gloves, preparing herself to depart for the kingdom of Laurentia. Seth entered the room, but Amelia didn't spare him a glance.

"Mistress, everything is prepared," Seth informed her.

Amelia simply hummed in response, showing her readiness.

"Let's go then," she muttered, her focus on the task at hand.

Seth hesitated for a moment before speaking up, his voice filled with concern. "It's just that Laurentia is quite far—"

"I don't care," Amelia interrupted, dismissing his concerns without hesitation. She swiftly left her study, with Seth following behind. As they emerged, a formidable army of soldiers stood prepared.

"March on!" Amelia's voice rang out with authority, and her soldiers complied without hesitation. They embarked on their journey, with Amelia positioned at the rear, riding atop her powerful stallion.

As she passed by, an air of coldness seemed to envelop her, casting a chilling atmosphere around her presence. The people they encountered along the way offered their greetings, but Amelia paid them no heed. She remained focused on her mission, disregarding their presence as she steadfastly pressed forward.

After enduring a challenging journey of more than two days, fraught with storms, encounters with bandits, and various other hardships, Amelia and her army finally halted in a forest to camp for the night. Seth, ever attentive, informed Amelia that her tent was ready for her.

"Thank you, Seth," Amelia acknowledged with a nod before stepping into the spacious tent. Seth hesitated, concern etched on his face.

"Mistress, I worry for your well-being," Seth expressed sincerely, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Amelia glanced at him, her gaze resolute. "I won't cease until I find Y/n. That is my sole purpose. As soon as the sun rises, we will continue our journey. Now, go and rest."

Seth sighed in resignation, realizing the determination in Amelia's words. He reluctantly left the tent, giving her the solitude she desired. Alone in her thoughts, Amelia sank into a chair and let out a weary sigh.

"When will I see you, my love?" she whispered, her voice filled longing.


Amelia arrived at the gates of Laurentia, her soldiers parting to allow her graceful advance. The guards stationed at the gate stood firm, refusing to open it.

"Open the gate and inform your king of my presence, or I will slaughter every person here," Amelia seethed venomously. The guards immediately complied, fear evident in their actions. With a victorious smile, Amelia mounted her stallion and rode into the kingdom, her gaze scanning the surroundings in search of a particular someone. However, Y/n was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, Amelia's horse abruptly halted, causing a commotion. It was due to a small girl who had stumbled in their path.

"Lily!" a voice cried out, capturing Amelia's attention. She turned her gaze towards the source and saw a woman holding Lily in her arms. Amelia regarded them coldly.

"You, what is your name?" Amelia commanded.

"I-Isabella, your Highness," Isabella stammered, trembling under Amelia's imposing presence. Meanwhile, Lily frowned at Amelia and playfully stuck her tongue out, eliciting a cold chuckle from Amelia.

"Seth, take the child," Amelia ordered, and without hesitation, Seth took Lily from Isabella's arms and placed her in front of Amelia on her horse.

"Look, Momma, I'm up so high!" Lily giggled with excitement, while Isabella's eyes welled up with tears.

"Provide me with your address, and I will return your child later," Amelia stated, her tone stern, as Isabella handed her a piece of paper containing the location of Isabella's clinic.

"Bye, Momma!" Lily laughed as Amelia's horse continued its journey towards the palace, leaving Isabella distraught and anxious.

"Excuse me, lady, what are you planning to do with me? Are we going to have sweets?" Lily innocently inquired, prompting a frown from Amelia as the little girl continued with her questioning.

"If you don't stop talking, I'll sew your mouth shut," Amelia threatened, her patience wearing thin. However, Lily simply crossed her arms and remained defiant.

"Momma is a doctor, so she'll be able to unsew my mouth," Lily confidently declared, unaware of the gravity of Amelia's threat.

Amelia rolled her eyes at Lily's playful antics, but she couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart. The child's innocent joy reminded her of the moments when Y/n would shower her with affection.

"Do you like it?" Amelia asked, observing Lily playing with her fur coat.

"Mhm, it's soft. I'm sure Mommy will like this. She likes fluffy stuff," Lily replied with a bright grin. Amelia couldn't deny the sweetness of Lily's words.

"You have two moms," Amelia murmured, feeling a mixture of emotions. Lily raised her eyebrows in an adorable expression.

"Is that wrong? I love my Momma and Mommy!" Lily declared proudly, unaware of the complexity of relationships. Amelia chuckled softly, appreciating Lily's genuine love and acceptance. She took her fluffy coat and playfully wrapped it around Lily, making her resemble a little snowball.

Lily giggled with delight as Amelia led her into the grand palace of Laurentia.

"Woah!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes widening in awe as she gazed at the magnificent structure towering before them.


As Isabella returned home, her eyes were swollen and red from crying. Y/n, concerned and confused, immediately embraced her lover, holding her tightly.

"Honey, why are you crying? Where's Lily?" Y/n asked, worry evident in their voice. Isabella couldn't hold back her tears and continued sobbing.

"Empress Montclair is here... she took Lily," Isabella managed to say between sobs. Y/n's eyes widened in shock upon hearing the news.

"But she told me she'd give Lily back later. I'm scared she might harm our baby. It's my fault for letting her slip away," Isabella cried, blaming herself for the situation. Y/n gently stroked Isabella's back, trying to provide comfort even as their own tears welled up.

"We'll find a way to bring Lily back safely, Isabella. We won't let anything happen to her. We'll face this together," Y/n whispered, their voice filled with determination and love.

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