chapter 2

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The next day

Petunia walked towards Harry's. Room door unlocking it " get up get up! "She said walking away harry got up he didn't sleep fully woke up minutes after he got up changes his clothes and walked downstairs where his  Aunt was starting breakfast she looks at him " well what are u with for some rake it"she said as Harry walked over taking over the breakfast Vernon came down stairs made his hair wasn't fixed as if he had a fight last night petunia ignored him and went to Sit down Vernon glared at Harry for some minutes Harry ignored it as he continued cooking not wanting a beating

After harry served them their food he took his chore list he started his chores the day went by fast until it hit six o'clock harry started cooking breakfast when Vernon bursted thru the door harry jumps a bit Vernon storms over to him he grips harrys hair yanking it harry screams in pain "why aren't u in ur room ready!" Vernon said gripping harder harry yelled in more pain as blood trailed down his face Vernon dragged him by his hair up the stairs harry cried while holding his hair

Vernon opened his door throwing him in on the bed harry yelled in pain a bit "get undressed now" Vernon said leaving the room for few seconds and coming back with a while Vernon smirks as harry got on his stomach stuffing his face to the pillow the tortured began as harry screamed in pain he remembered what the dark Lord said before he could yell anything he fainted due to blood loss
Harry woke up to a bloody bed he checked the time it was five minutes before midnight he got up limping to the mirror he saw he looked different but he didn't have time to admire his feminal self he grabbed a coat and snuck out of the house he limped his way to the woods as the moon became whole he walked to the center of the woods  soon he Collapsed on his knees he clinched the ground throwing his head down he cried as he opened his mouth "I'LL DO IT"harry cried out

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