chapter 4

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Harry and Voldemort arrived in his private chambers Voldemort went to his closet as harry looked around "put gese close on it seems half of ur creature inheritance came u just don't have u animal" Voldemort said harry nodded and went to the bathroom to change it was a silk black green rob it shrunk to fit his body harry took the glamour down showing his long black hair with the white tips he didn't want to cut it so he put a glamour on his hair just grew and changed colour when half of his inheritance came

He walked out of The bathroom to be met with a hot teen his hair was very chocolate brown his eyes were still red‚hna skin was pale white that looked smooth tom. Looked at harry who was in complete shock "like what u see harry~" he said as he walked up

to him he grabbed his waist pulling him closer there bodies touching he lends a little down to harrys ear and whispers smoothing but seductively "your mines now~" tom said sounding more like a hiss harry legs collapsed tom holding onto him tom smirks livid that he could make harry weak in the knees

#harrys POV#
Me and Draco talked until the door opened agine it showed pansy and Blaise "hey Draco harry" pansy said glaring at me I glared back scaring her a little tho, "draco why's harry here" asked Blaise as he sat next to me "oh he's my new friend" draco said smirking livid I chuckle a bit making the two awe in surprise "I'm Slytherin now" was all I said as

the train started moving  we all made little conversation so on it went by fast bc we arrived at Hogwarts everyone got off he train each house in their own boats i sat with Draco shocking Some of them Hermione and Ron were furious with me I didn't care they weren't my friends in the first place as the boats took off Hermione and Ron were whispering about something
After McGonagall walked then in they filled out their tables harry sat with Draco Hermione was mad that she didn't know what she was doing she shot the first curse two curses that came to her mind at Draco everyone gasped the teachers were shocked non moved the Slytherins glared at Hermione harry grabbed Draco before the spell took effect he took Draco to the bathroom where he threw up harry gaged

"that stupid mud blood" Draco screeched picking more harry patted his back "she shot more than one Draco" harry said pulling his hair back Draco hair was to His shoulder making More attractive harry tied he's and Draco's in a bun "many she was jealous or mad" harry joked he soon laughed "a mud blood jealous don't make Me laugh

harry"Draco said whipping his mouth "I will be staying with u and the dark Lord bc one my mom got a divorce so he's not with my father no more two my dad is going to be gone for two weeks the dark Lord sent him on a top secret mission it's not here tho

across the country" Draco said picking some more harry nodded rubbing his back since dinner was most likely over and the sorting they been there for bout an hr they went back into the Hall harry walking up to the rest of the group of first years Draco going to sit down "I would like a resort" harry said shocking everyone even severus

"my boy why would u need that" Dumbledore said with confusion and worry "I'm not your boy I want a resort! Harry yelled the room went silent Dumbledore nodded to McGonagall she motioned for harry to sit down as he did she Put the hat on his head and it called out " SLYTHERIN"

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