chapter 3

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The wind blew hard Harry sat on his knees as he lifted his head, feeling the wind until he heard a laugh. "Oh, my Harry," Voldemort said, walking into the moonlight. "What a splendid idea you choose." Voldemort said and with the flick of their hand, they were found.
The Hogwarts whistle blew as it meant they were about to take depart harry stood by a wall his eyes closed his hair was longer and black he had white tips his nails were short but sharp could damage anything magic imprinted in them from Bellatrix his waist was smaller and his thighs were big he looked more feminine but not completely his inheritance is in five days deacon called out to harry he looks at Draco before nodding Narcissa and Lucius said goodbye to them as they got on the train

"I told u weasleyes were untrustworthy they nothing by poor ferrets" Draco said as harry looked at him with a 'really' face the c apartment burst open to showing a red head and a mud blood "wat do but want mud blood and u filthy weasleyes" Draco said giving them a glare "harry what are u doing sitting here an what's with the new look" Hermione said ignoring Draco who fake being hurt making harry giggle the three awed at the sight "I'm sitting with Draco" harry said snapping them out if their trance

"Mate what are u saying" Ron said shocked "I'm saying I don't want to be friends with a mudloob and a weasleyes" he so at as they tell eyes widen "w-what do u mean harry we've been your friends since first year"Hermione said now turning slight red " and I've been abuse since I was five your point"harry snapped Hermione was to stunned to speak

"So u'd rather be with a slimy snake then with your friends and u despise Malfoy! " Ron yelled his face turning red Draco points his wand st Ron's throat making him stop in his tracks harry gets up putting a silencing charm around the room "i don't want anything to do with you two get out of my sight" harry said as Hermione and Ron turned but glared at Draco for a few "fine since u want to be friends with a death eater don't come crying to US when he hands u over to the dark Lord" Ron said slamming the cart door closed Draco sighs as harry sits down "what are u going to do harry" Draco said putting his wand away "get put back into my rightful house" harry said smirking

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