Stoned but Fragile

300 7 56

Stan pov

They say when you're with your soulmate you have this euphoric feeling, like you could take anything down when you're by their side. Well I don't believe in soulmates, which would probably explain why i'm in a alleyway near the local bar with my friend- no scratch that basically brother at this point, rubbing my back as I spill my guts out all over the pavement. "Stan couldn't you just have chosen something better to do? Like fuck Wendy or some shit I don't know" My chest hurts everytime someone remarks that name. It probably was the fact that she cheated on me inside my own house but I would never let Kenny know. "hic, wehlls kennyy I wouulldvfe been, hic mid fuhck if she washnt a stupid whoree"

 Fuck. I guess i'm letting Kenny know.

"Dude weak." Kenny looked not very surprised. "Do you wanna stay at my apartment so I can help you recover from your hangover tomorrow? Aaaand Tolkien recently bought 2 GTA IV dvds and gave me onee. And look what I gooottt~" He says in an overly lovey dovey tone while holding up a little plastic baggie containing weed. "Hell yeah! I could never resist such a humble offer." I say in my shitty british impression. It wasn't true, only Kyle can entice me when i'm blackout drunk / high and get an honest reaction. I just really wanted a place to stay for the night and to get painstakingly high. We get in Kenny's old ass pick up he took from his old backyard when he lived back with his parents. It's been almost a year since they had left that hell hole I remember it getting so bad over there to the point where one day. He scooped Karen up along with his & her clothes and a few toys and just left. Nobody stopped him they just kept walking.

But now Kenny has a small 2 bedroom apartment that he rents out from his job money. Now they aren't as poor as they were at  Stuart & Carols and can actually afford nice things. I occasionally give him my allowance money because I know he gets paid lower with the jobs he has. But he makes a little more than enough every week. Which he uses to spend on Karen, Food and Clothes. I call it KFC but I genuinely think nobody would care. Kenny pulls out some Marlboro reds and a lighter from out of his pocket. He lights up the cigarette at a stop sign and then continues driving. He usually doesn't smoke cigarettes and they're kinda like a last resort for him. I try to ask him what's wrong but nothing comes out. Maybe the universe doesn't want me to know yet.




He pulls up to the parking lot of the not at all fancy apartment complex as Kenny reaches for his keys. We get out of the car and walk into the lobby area. Walking up the big set of stairs. Reaching his apartment and unlocking the door. To see Karen painting Ike & Firkles nails. "Oh, hey Ike, hey Firkle." I walk past them hoping Karen didn't see me "OOH STAN CAN I PLEASE PAINT YOUR NAILSSS I WON'T DO PINK I PROMISE." Karen begs with pleading eyes. I sigh and give in to the girl. "Nobody can resist Karen" Kenny says followed by a snicker. I roll my eyes and stick my right hand out. Spreading my fingers so she can paint them. I was kinda sober at this point. ( I threw up the majority of the alcohol in the alleyway )  She brings out her UV light thingy so the gel nail polish can cure then pulls out an entire assortment of every single color from the rainbow. She grabs a dark navy color and a couple of other nail polish bottles as she covers my nails with a clear base coat and grabs the tv remote. "What do you wanna watch?"




I look down at my dark glittering navy colored nails in awe I didn't care that Cartman would absolutely flame me for "being a priss" or some shit like that. They look amazing AND its the beginning of summer. how great is that!. "Well thank you Stan!" Karen gave me a toothy smile. Oh shit I was thinking out loud. "No problem!" I say with genuine happiness in my voice. "Cmon Marsh lets go." Kenny calls me over to his room. I follow and jump on the bed. He sits at the opposite side of me and twiddles his thumbs. "Spill" I say without any further hesitation. Turns out. Kenny has a fat wet sopping crush on Butters. "DUDE SERIOUSLY?!" I scream immediately slapping my hand on my mouth. "Dude keep it down! I don't want Karen to know." Kenny warns me about my volume. "Why not? She is literally your sister. Don't you guys tell each other everything??" I say with a hint of curiosity in my tone. "Well yes, but also no. I have secrets you know." He responds to my question and we sit in silence for a moment. Curious to see what's on my friends mind. I ask him a simple question "Wait but do you like him as like, Sex or do you actually like him as a person?" I say with confusion and slight hope that my sex driven friend could actually spark up some sort of relationship. "Well I love the way he smiles and how he can light up anybody's day in a heartbeat. He always looks after people no matter what and is always an optimistic person. He always strives to help people and it's really inspiring. I sometimes get lost in his eyes while talking to him, only accompanied with that sweet southern accent he-" "dude im gonna stop you right there because this shit is sappy as fuck." Though it was very sweet and Butters would definitely melt by hearing that. 

"You really think so??" Kenny brightens up a bit. fuck I am thinking out loud again. "Yes. He loves sappy shit." I reassure kenny with a broad smile.  

1015 words.

did you guys like this? idk if I do but im working on a bunny one too. I might update the creek fic im working on too. vote on which one you want me to update here.



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