Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV:

"Hey Luce!" I say running over to my girlfriend after I enter the guild. Lucy and I have been together for about 10 months. I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Natsu!" Lucy says. I sit down next to Gray across from Lucy. Juvia, and Erza. Juvia and Gray also got together around the same time as me and Lucy. I notice two figures entering the guild. Loke and Lyon. That's odd. Lyon doesn't show up at the guild very much and last I knew Loke wasn't close to him.

Abruptly Lucy and Juvia stand up and walk away. "Where are you going?" Erza calls out to the pair.

"Just making an announcement" Lucy replies. Lucy and Juvia stand on the stage, receiving everyone's attention. Loke and Lyon join them on the stage. I noticed a flash of guilt in Lucy's eyes.

"Hi everyone! Juvia and I wanted to announce something. I'll go first. I'm breaking up with that idiot Natsu. He was never anything special to me. Just wanted to mess around with him. Sure we did it a few times but he was just a play toy to me. I don't know how anyone could ever love someone like him. I've been dating Loke for the past 10 months. Unlike Natsu people actually love Loke. Sorry Natsu but we're over" Lucy says. I notice that she quickly wipes a tear from her eye.

"Also Juvia is breaking up with Gray. Juvia did once have feelings for Gray but they soon faded. Juvia believes that Gray is worthless and doesn't deserve love. Juvia had fun messing with Gray these past months. Juvia has been dating Lyon since Juvia and Gray got together. Gray our relationship is over, Juvia is sorry" Juvia says. A few tears slip down Juvia's cheeks.

The whole guild is silent. Everyone is either staring at the four on stage with anger or shock or they are staring at Gray and I with looks of pity. My breathing beings to quicken as I try to fight the tears that are welding up in my eyes. Yelling can be heard throughout the guild but everything sounds muffled to me. Lucy's words play on repeat in my head. I glance over to Gray who most likely looks identical to me. Erza is staring at with shock, anger, and confusion all present on her face. 

A hand grabs onto to my wrist. I look up to see Lucy. She drags me onto the stage and drops me. "This here is the pathetic boy who fell for me. No one will ever love you Natsu!" Lucy begins laughing proudly. Lucy bends down to me and whispers in my ear "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this". I look up at her confused. I spot Gray being dragged over to the stage. Suddenly Loke is standing in front of my broken body on the floor. He picks me up by the collar of my vest and begins punching me. Out of the corner of my eye to the right of me, I can see Lyon beating up Gray. I didn't understand why they were going this far over a break up.

The yelling in the guild intensifies. People try to pull Loke off of me and Lyon off of Gray but to no avail. They are all blocked off from the stage by Lyon's magic. I look over to Erza who looks like she could kill Juvia, Lyon, Loke and Lucy. She stomps over towards the stage, quickly breaking Lyon's ice-maker magic with one of her many swords. Erza is quick to grab Lyon and Loke and sending them flying.

Erza walks up to Lucy and Juvia with a glare that has the ability to kill someone. Just as Erza opens her mouth to yell at the two girls, a booming voice can be heard throughout the guild.

"Lucy, Juvia, Loke, and Lyon. You have hurt and betrayed my children. The three of you were one of my children and Lyon was a close comrade but that doesn't not excuse the fact that you have betrayed Fairy Tail. Lucy, Juvia, and Loke, you three are expelled from Fairy Tail! And Lyon you shall never associate with Fairy Tail" Master Makarov states. The four are quick to leave the guild hall. The guild is left in silence.

We had just lost four of our friends and there laid me and Gray on the ground bleeding and crying. "Let's go" Erza says holding a hand out to the both of us. I smile at Erza and take her hand. Gray replicates my actions. Erza helps Gray and I stand. She slings an arm of mine and an arm belonging to Gray over her shoulders. Erza wraps her arms around our waists helping us walk. The three of us then leave the guild deciding that we will head to my house.

Narrators POV:

On the walk towards Natsu's house the two boys can't help but think about the recent events.

'Why would she do this? I love Lucy. She loved me. Right? This isn't something Lucy would do. Right? What is going on? Lucy the kindest and most loving person I've ever met. I want to know why she did this. Why it happened the way it did. My head hurts from thinking'. These were thoughts filling Natsu's head.

'Juvia. What is going on with you? I know you loved me so what changed. I love you. Even if I didn't say it enough I do. I want to spend my life with you. So why? Why did this have to happen? I know you wanted the same thing as me. Right? I just want to know why you did this and why you took it so far. All it needed to be was a "Were over" and an explanation'. Similar to Natsu, these were the thoughts that Gray was experiencing.

The walk towards Natsu's house was dreadfully long for Gray and Natsu. They could barely function properly. The two boys wanted to be alone but knew that even if they were rivals they could help each other.

Gray x Natsu ~ Getting Over ThemWhere stories live. Discover now