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PIECES OF ME ARE LITTERED IN EVERY PART OF THE HOUSE. I can't find my Christmas shoes, nor does that quite matter, but I know the egregious amount of money Alice and Rosalie spent on them. I'm apprehensive when it comes to not searching for them. What kind of person spends $400 on a pair of shoes for their mate?

Someone with that kind of money, I suppose...

When it comes to the other things that find their way into the house crevices that are mine, I find that the extra socks, which are always single and lonely as well as covered in dust, are my favorite. Esme doesn't scold me for it, but I see her walking around with the laundry hamper at least every other day searching for my lost socks.

This President's week I wasn't in a hospital, but with the Cullens, which was great compared to the IV drips and nearly fatal minor illnesses. I miss my mom, though. She hasn't been messaging me as of late, and we haven't really called much other than a few short calls every other weekend.

Since I'm joining my mates for the holidays and I feel truly a part of the household, it was only normal that the Cullens were briefing me on everyone that they'd become friends with over the decades or even centuries that they'd been alive.

"The Denali's are the Coven that we're closest with," Esme reminds me when I ask yet again who they are. "Carlisle has known them for so long and one of their members were friends with him when he was a part of the Volturi. Tanya and Kate used to come over often, but they can't be with us in Forks."

"The Wolves barely let us stay here these days," Emmett groans as he wraps his arms around Rosalie. "The ones Carlisle knows are newer to their coven. Left the Volturi."

Alice runs into the room and squeaks out, "They weren't a part of the bond, so they left after over six hundred years."

I couldn't fathom leaving a place that I'd called home for so long, but without love, I can see finding a new place to live. If nobody is on the same page, it's the same way. From the way Carlisle described it, that was why he left the Volturi after a decade.

What Emmett said about the wolves was still more intriguing than the Volturi, though, and would be more of an issue since they didn't like my mates.

One of them was supposed to be my mate, too.

"Why of the wolves hate you being here more than the average town person? They're Indigenous, right, so you're just as much of an invader as everyone else." I asked.

"Sure, that's true, but vampires have caused more damage to this land historically, to their populations," Esme explained. "That part of vampire history wasn't our fault, but humans hunting their people is a good reason as to why they don't want us here."

"So, why do we still live here then?"

Wouldn't it be easier to move away to a place just as remote and dense that didn't have a population of people vampires have a bad history with? It would be so easy to move, wouldn't it? Carlisle could get a job just about anywhere. Doctors are always needed, especially emergency room ones. He's the perfect candidate for being an ER doc in a large, small, or medium sized city.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐒, Cullen CovenWhere stories live. Discover now