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Mainly someone going wild and biting Bella, which was a terrible thought. She didn't need that to happen to her now, she could turn later.

She was supposed to be here a few minutes ago, but knowing the time of year there were plenty of deer crossing the roads. It was better to have her late then to make a poor animal a bumper sticker. I didn't exactly know what car she was coming in either, or if she was planning on walking all the way up to the house.

"How are you going about this?" Jasper asked. "Edward's bloodlust is the issue."

"I know." There was no two ways about it. What a cruel thing for nature to do, making your mate your blood singer. Perhaps it was a way to force him to turn her into a vampire, but even then, thats so dangerous. "He's out hunting with Emmett. We'll be alone in my room."

As in, Bella and I would. Jasper had an English paper to write. He had been putting that off for the last three days. Something about not liking the book, which coincidentally was one of Edward's favorites.

The mere thought of Bella and I being in the same room for an extended period of time together made me giddy. I'd barely gotten to talk to her, now I would be working on that stupid lab report (that I realistically could pawn off to Edward if I really didn't want to do it- plagiarism be damned) that would distract me from my important goals of befriending Bella Swan.

Around ten minutes past when she said she would come over, the doorbell rang. Jasper took this as a hint to disappear, leaving me to open the door and greet Bella.

Standing outside was Bella in a slightly oversized, unbuttoned flannel  with a white tee under it. Her little black backpack was filled to the brink with what I assumed were her notes for biology and the lab report instructions, which I also hated lugging around everywhere I went. I kept mine in my room most of the time, seeing as we only worked on these reports at home.

"Hi," she greeted, her eyes on the ground as she spoke. "You guys have a really nice house."

"Thanks." I didn't want to go into the nitty gritty about how it wasn't actually my family home and that I was only staying for some serious treatment that would hopefully keep me alive until I was twenty so i could be turned into a vampire- she didn't need to know that.

Walking her inside, I started up the stairs. "You can keep your shoes on or take them off, Carlisle doesn't care."

She didn't take them off, rather, she followed me up into my room, which I'd decorated during the week long break we'd come back from. I didn't do minimalism, it made me worried that I was somehow back in a hospital. Rather, everything was done to an extreme where you could barely see the walls. Emmett and Jasper had done a good job painting the walls a pretty sage green. We decided on a greenish grey ceiling that had plenty of pictures and nice things on it.

I didn't do enough to clean up the place though, and for that I blushed with embarrassment. There's nothing like bringing your crush up to your room and remembering that you haven't taken out the trash in a week.

"Sorry if things are messy," I apologized for the serious hurricane that had gone on in certain places, mainly the corners where the laundry baskets were almost overflowing. God, I had to do the laundry. "It's been a busy week."

"It looks fine," Bella said as she took off her backpack and put it on one of my bean bag chairs. "I did around half of the work last night. Couldn't sleep. Here."

I was handed a small half-inch binder that held the work inside. Searching through, I did indeed see that most of the hard work was done by Bella. Her handwriting was legible, but we would most likely have to type up and print out the report if we wanted a good grade, considering my own handwriting was kind of shitty.

"Carlisle has a computer that we can type everything up on," I told Bella. "I know the password, he lets all the kids use it for our schoolwork."

Bella nodded, but it seemed like she wanted to ask something. God, I wish that I could just go into her mind and figure out what made her tick, what would allow me to... understand her?

"Why do you call Carlisle by his first name?"

Oh, she didn't know I wasn't one of the foster kids.

"I'm here in Forks for treatment, not because I'm his adopted kid. Although for the time being, Carlisle was awarded physical custody and partial legal custody of me to conduct the trials," I explained to her. "I had a father and I have a mother. It would be wrong for me to consider him a Dad."

Not exactly the truth, but I could never call Carlisle my father, even in jest. I was his mate! His... I don't know. The human equivalents just make me feel gross considering everyone considers Esme his wife. A girlfriend would make others think he's some groomer with a mistress barely over the legal age.

He was turned at like 19. Esme in her mid-twenties. She's older than him physically. Older than him in terms of brain development.

Bella pulled me out of my thoughts with an intense question, "You had a father?"

Right. Dad.

"He had the same condition as me. Carlisle was an intern working on his case when he died. That's why Carlisle is working with me, he doesn't want me to die like he did."

"Were you close with your Dad?"

"Very. He was my world before he died. We were always in it together, you know? He felt guilty that it was his genetics that gave me this, even if that was only half true. Mom's a carrier." Bella seemed to be listening deeply. "I've had the first few treatments with Carlisle. I haven't gotten sick since I've been here. Surviving cold and flu season."

I knew that from what Edward had learned about Bella that she had just moved in with her Dad, that she hadn't seen him since she was younger and that they weren't too close. Not like she was with her mother.

Mom had sort of shut herself off after Dad died. They'd never planned to have children, but she got pregnant after taking a new medication that interfered with her birth control. She'd always relied on my grandparents and she was young. They were religious and she didn't want to upset them with an abortion.

She loved me the second I came out, though. She saw me and decided that she really did want kids, that it was fear that her husband would die early and her child inheriting his condition that scared her off from thinking out kids.

The fear was probably what kept her from speaking to me often since I've come to Forks. Too afraid of getting her own hopes up or hearing that I'm doing well. Things can take a turn for the worst so fast.

But that was too much to tell her. Bella didn't need to know all of that until we got closer, until she made her decision on whether or not being in a Vampire Coven was okay with her.

"I hope you don't die." Bella immediately put her head in her hands as I laughed. "That sounded so stupid, don't listen to me."

"No, it was funny." I sat down on my desk chair and reassured her, "It didn't sound stupid. It was genuine. I'm glad you don't want me to die."

"I don't want anyone to die," Bella retorted, trying to save herself but in reality was just digging herself into a deeper hole.

"Oh, so I'm not special then?" I teased.

"You are- no- ugh- it's just because you're dying-"

"I am dying, Bella. Dying as we speak."

"And I don't want you to die, Fenella."

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐒, Cullen CovenWhere stories live. Discover now