Chapter 6: Something for Everyone

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Lord Gallard was not ready to receive Siegfried; that much was clear. The ecstatic owner of the Dionysus sat down, naked, only a piece of cloth, hastily grabbed from his bed, covered his privates. His hair was a mess, and dark rings hung under his eyes. His breath reeked of alcohol. Worse still, the lord had no time to hide his true nature: Gallard was growing old, and without the help of makeup or magic, it was strikingly clear. He poured himself a glass of wine and offered Siegfried some.

For once, Siegfried did not refuse.

"To what do I owe this..." Gallard yawned. "To what do I owe this visit, Lord Mastercraft." He drank from the glass, emptying it in one go before filling it up again. Siegfried did not drink or answer, for that matter. He scanned the room. Although he could not see the bed, he imagined a nude woman sleeping on it. Or more than one.

Gallard's room was grand, though. It was on the top deck of the Dionysus and overlooked the skylight of the grand hall. Through a thick pane of reinforced glass, Siegfried saw the abyss fly by as thousands of stars passed in the blink of an eye. The room was large, much larger than his own. A Penthouse, to be precise, with several rooms, including a kitchen and a bar. A bar where they sat. Siegfried studied the bar counter. It was made from some rare mineral, polished to a glossy black, reflecting his face.

Gallard grew impatient. "What are you doing here, Siegfried?"

Siegfried took a sip from the wine. It tasted sour. He could not place its origin. "I think you are making a mistake," Siegfried said.

Gallard rolled his eyes. "This again? Why can't you accept the facts? The murder has been solved..."

"Murders." Siegfried corrected. "And I am not so sure..."

Gallard held up his hand, drinking more wine. He sighed before speaking. "There has only been one murder. The technician...whatever the fuck his name was... Killed Pearl. The blood on his hands confirms this as fact..."

"It does not explain what happened to Pauli..."

"Pauli Hopper was sick. She died of a brain haemorrhage."

"And Di, the technician, just happened to die of the same thing?"

Gallard pushed his wine glass aside. Whispering to himself, he rubbed his eyes. "There is no connection, Siegfried. None...Whatsoever. You are grasping at non-excitant straws."

"I believe..."

Gallard cut him off once more. "I do not care what you believe! The investigation is over. That is an order..." There was silence for a second. Gallard took a deep breath. "You may outrank me in the hierarchy of nobility, but believe me if I tell you this: If you continue to disrespect me... You will cause a political incident, my lord... You might be the High Lord of Nelfholm... But I share confidence with High Lord Garland. So, if you wish for animosity between Sanctuary and Nelfholm... Be my guest... Continue down this road..."

Siegfried was surprised. He did not expect Gallard to react like that. Still, Siegfried had played the game of the nobles far longer than Gallard could imagine. He did not lose his composure, as Gallard had done in the past. Instead, he smiled. "Fine... Investigation over... But I believe that if two people died of a brain haemorrhage on the same day... On the same ship... A medical investigation is required." Gallard raised his eyebrow. "Perhaps they contracted the Red..." Siegfried continued.

Gallard shivered. "The Red? Impossible."

"No... Improbable... But still possible. If it is true... This ship will become a target for the Plague Hunters... No one wants that."

Gallard slowed down. "Then what do you suggest? Burn the bodies?"

Siegfried shook his head. "That will only make things worse. If the Hunters were to learn about the deaths, they might kill all your guests and maybe even you. No... Den-Var Waystation is close-by. I suggest we dock there and send for medical examiners. Just to be sure..."

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