Chapter One ~ America

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"Dude guess what?" I knock loudly on Arthur's door hoping he won't ignore me this time. After sufficient knocks, I pause trying to hear the noises from inside the Brit's house.

When I don't hear anything, I decide to let myself in. The door creaks open and I make sure to shut it behind me.

I take a moment to soak in my surroundings. Arthur's house is decorated simply, yet elegantly. A fireplace with an expensive vase and some pictures on it, but no fire in it, clings to the opposite wall. A couch and two chairs, all varying shades of brown surround a short glass and oak table that sits upon an army green rug with majestic brown swirls to it. A small and beautiful chandelier hangs from the white ceiling. Three of the two walls match the green rug, while the fourth and final wall next to the door matches the couch and wooden floor. The green and brown tones give off an old feeling to the atmosphere.

None of it looks bad, but it certainly isn't how I would decorate, I thought.

"Bro what are you doing? Are ya sick?" I call out into the empty space. No one seems to be home, but Arthur's car was still in his driveway when I got here, so he must be home.

Well I hope he isn't sick, that would totally suck! Walking past the living room, I head to Arthur's bed chambers to check in on him.

Upon reaching the door I raise my hand to knock and can hear some one muttering something within the bedroom.

I knock thrice and call "Yo Arthur you alright buddy?"

What I hear next confuses me. There is a loud bang then a resounding crash followed by a loud "Bloody hell!"

Heavy footsteps walk towards the door and I hide the flower I found moments earlier behind my back to surprise Arthur.

The door slams open and I see a red-faced England, huffing loudly, his emerald eyes glaring daggers at me. His short blonde hair and bushy eyebrows are also a huge mess.

"Dude you'll never guess what I just found!" I go to reveal the sacred flower when Arthur opens his mouth.

"Alfred you git! I have no time for your nonsense! Go bother Frog-Face!" And with that Arthur throws the door in my face.

"No seriously dude! You'll want to see this! I promise it's worth your time!" I paint a big smile on my face so when Arthur opens the door again he'll know I'm sincere.

But the door never opens again and I can faintly make out "Bloody America... Needs to grow up... Learn to do... with his life..."

After hearing those harsh words the smile slips off my face and I know I'm not wanted. Walking out of the angry Brit's house, I make my way down his drive and walk down the lonely stretch of road that led back into the British town I was visiting for the weekend.

Twirling the pretty purple flower between my fingers I think, Jeez there was no need to be rude. All I wanted to so was show you the flower... Whatever. I won't let his sour mood ruin my day. At this thought, my spring hops back into my step and my cowlick bobs up and down like usual.

I never could, for the life of me, get that stray hair to do what I wanted. After a while I just decided to let it be.

I wanted my independance, what gives me the right to take away my hair's? I laugh out loud at this slightly absurd thought and keep walking letting my thoughts drift.

Maybe I should go give Francis a visit. Who knows, maybe even Mattie is there! It would be nice to see them again. I don't always get to see them often, and I finally got a day off of work from my boss.

I dig in my back pants pocket and fish out my worn, brown leather wallet. Opening it, I do a quick once-over and see I have plenty of mony to cover the fares to go to France.

Well thats decided then! My face brightens with a smile as I reach the British town, making my way to the bus station to go to the airport.

Today is going to be a great day!

Hello ^~^ hope you all enjoy my first ever fanfic. I have high hopes for this story, so any feed back you are willing to give would be much appreciated! Thanks and sweet dreams!

Alfred = America
Arthur = England
Mathew/Mattie/Matt = Canada
Francis/Frog Face = France

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