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Margret's POV


After the plane landed Maria and I got off, and headed to the bagage claim where it was easy to find my luggage because it was the only bright yellow one. Maria's was a lot more difficult to find because there happen to be more red ones. Twenty minutes later we stop at starbucks both of us getting peppermint tea. About 30 minutes later we have finaly arrived at Columbia.

"Hey Ri, we're here"

"Thanks Pegs"

"Lets go and find our dorm now, hopefully we are not stuck in a line"

Maria and I walk around campus untill we find the check in desk. The line is quite long -- and without veiw of the front of the line, probaly because it's for reincarnations and it just opened at 9pm. "Hello, I'm George Evens or the reincarnation of King George the 3rd of England." the person infront of us turns around and introduces himself

"Well hello your majesty I am Margret Schultz and the reincarnation of Margarita Schuyler Van Rensselaer, you can just call me Peggy" I politely reply

"And I'm Ria Mcknight but I was Maria Lewis Reynolds in my past life"

"You two are from England!"

"Yes we are"

"What's your dorm number?"


"Mar and I are in 1791"

"But this is taking forever"

"Yes it is"

"George, you need a nickname"

"How about KG?"

"Good idea Maria, is it okay if I call you Mar"

"Yes, we should Twitter this right?!"

"Sure, KG whats your acount name"



||On Twitter||

Margret_Schultz waiting to get to our dorms with M_Lewis and our new friend KiNgGeOrGe3

2983 likes // 100 retweets

||Off Twitter||

Wow more people are following me after I tagged KG. He seams to be quite popular on twitter, maybe because people like him in the musical they wanted to follow the reincarnation. 

"KG," I ask "Do you know anyone by the name of Mary Seymour?"

"No, any particular reason why you are asking?"

"Well she was the daughter of my parents from their past lives, they were hoping thay I would be her but alas I was Peggy Schuyler"

"You were being sarcastic right pegs's?" Maria asked, to which I nodded "Seriously what is wrong with your parents, they should be happy to have you and not be treating you like shit because you are not their past daughter."

"Your parents do that to you," George realized "How dare they, you are your own person. And how dare they tell you that you are not wanted because you are not their past daughter. They are messed up!"

Welp, it seems that if I am to ask anyone about Mary I will have to be doing it with the two of them present. Although it is nice to hear how messed up it is from someone other than Ri. Even though I know I am supposed to be finding Mary, I can't help but feel to just forget about her so that I don't have to deal with it, would that be so wrong. But who cares about that, not me.

Why Me? : Re-Vamp of Why Would I Be ReincarnatedWhere stories live. Discover now