(part 5) - day

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It's forbidden to let boys into a girls dormitory, but I'm sneaking Minjae in. Just for an hour, that's all. We're planning to practice a bit of English and maybe get a bit crazy. As soon as he entered the room he pulled his fingers very slowly down my face, lightly tracing my jaw from my throat and then down my waist. 'You're so soft', he whispered, breathing into my opened mouth. I kissed him roughly, pushing him against my bed and ending up tangled on the mattress. He panted, pulling his legs around my thin waist. 'I told you, Next time! Not today baby, we need to study English.' he laughed. I attempted an aegyo to get his attention 'But Oppaa, you promised. Can't we study while doing it?' I said in a cute voice trying to unbutton his shirt. 'NO' he shrugged away from my grip. I pouted, clearly done with this aegyo - even I cringed. 

After studying, It was dinner time and I rushed to the canteen to inform Ellie about everything that had happened. She was no one to be seen, I tried dialing her number but no respond. Grabbing a granola bar and a juice box, I ran to the members list located at the north wing. The board was huge, I'd never seen it before and neither had I had the urge to read it until now. First ranked to last followed the order of highest to lowest, My eyes wandered over the wooden board with scratched out chalk marks and numbers until I found Park Eun-Ji scribbled at 8th place. Woah, 8th!? Still no Ellie, I traced my finger carefully over each name until the hundredth name. No Ellie. Did she debut, get kicked out, quit?? Without telling me? My only friend-

My only hope was her dorm, I memorised the numbers: Room A710. Knuckles thumped loudly on the door pounding sharply. No reply. 'ELLIE' I called, worried. The door swiftly flung open revealing a slouched Ellie with panda eyes and tear stained Pj's. 'Ellie!! What happened?' I gasped eying her suspiciously.

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