(part 6) - can i debut?

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'C-calm down' Ellie stammered, smiling genuinely now. Sit she mouthed, patting the bed beside her. 'Ellie...' I started glaring at her menacingly. 'Right, no need for that. But oh Eun-Ji!!' Ellie cried half laughing, half crying. 'Say it' I demanded, impatient. 'Eun-ji 여동생...I'm debuting!!'

'You're whaatt?' I mocked laughing at her, 'I'm so proud of you Ellie, definitely going to be a world-wide popular popstar' I waved my hands in front of her face as if painting the scene out. She flung her arms around me and cried into my shoulder, I consoled her softly 'Why are you even crying?? You should be so happy and proud. When can I debut?' Ellie giggled and wiped her tears with her shirt. 'I love you Eun-jiii...' 

One last dinner with Ellie...I barely touched my food, my throat was dry and cracky trying not to cry the whole night. She talked about her girl group, their future plans and how all the training paid off, I know I shouldn't feel that way but boy do I feel that pang of jealousy. Can I debut? When the clock struck 10, It was time to part. We'll never be sure if we'll ever cross paths again, that night was horrendous - I cried and hugged her until my palms ached from cuddling her and my tear ducts malfunctioned from crying the Bukhan river. The last bit of Ellie I saw was her solemn walk, reluctantly pattering down the hallway still waving. As the shadow grew smaller and smaller, I began to walk slowly up to the board room. Maybe I could persuade the council to arrange my debut soon, or perhaps I could debut in Ellie's girl group too. 

I knocked at the door of the head of the company's office and trudged in sheepishly, kind of nervous. The head immediately looked up from his desk and smiled at me, 'Hello Eun-ji! How may I help you, Isn't it a bit late to be up?'. I cleared my throat and blurted the first thing that came to my mind (not helpful...) - 'WHEN CAN I DEBUT!' came an unexpected screech from the deepest parts of my lungs. 'Woah woah,' The head stuttered 'W-we are actually planning to set your debut song stage for Friday.' he announced slightly hesitant. 

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