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Two years passed since the crowning of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the defeat of Queen Crysalis, Tiereck, and Cosy Glow. Her reign in equestria has been progressing successfully. Princesses Celestia and Luna would sometimes visit their pupil.

Even though Twilight was crowned, she delighted in their company and help. Sometimes once in a while, they take over for a day leaving her away from her royal duties. Twilight spends her free time in cheering anypony who may be sick, or very sad. She loves to make meals for ponies and sings songs to them. Her love and care for her subjects is what makes her life joyful. She sometimes tags her friends along when they're not very busy. She learns to enjoy being the Ruler of the kingdom. She loves her fellow ponies and immigrant creatures.

Twilight Sparkle tries to keep her royal life simple as possible. She eats no high-class food such has huge roasts and fancy mashed potatoes. She likes just pancakes with whipped cream, fruits and vegetables or bread. Sometimes she'll sneak in a hayburger or something similar. She'll even try to avoid wearing the crown off-duties, and her praising subjects.

She would always await for her monthly meeting with her friends. Besides Celestia and Luna taking her place for a bit, she reserves a day out of the month to be with her friends.

Princess Twilight likes the life she is in now, but there was something missing too. She kept thinking, praying to God what that might be. All she knew she'll find out in the future.

I know I'm missing a picture for the book. Things have happened over the years, and it is now hard to sketch one out. Keep in touch guys! Tty soon:)

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