~ Chapter One ~

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"Twilee!" Squeealed Flurry Heart. Twilight twirled her around in the air with joy. Princess Twilight enjoyed visiting the crystal empire around some tweaks in her schedule. She loved visiting her brother, and Sister-in-law. And of course, Flurry Heart.

"Twilight, we are excited you got to meet with us again!" Cadence smiled. "But, this being so last minute-no plan, popping out of nowhere, do you have duties you need to take care of?"

Twilight stopped and looked at her sister-in-law.

"Of course I do!" Twilight whirled Flurry Heart again, flying her in the air. "But it doesn't mean I can't take a little break from it." Shining Armor was beside Cadence. The couple looked at each other in a concerning way, then smiled.

"You know what you got to do Twily. It's your kingdom."

"Thanks BBBFF." Twilight placed Flurry Heart down, and putting back the crown on her head. "I always miss being with you guys. And the magical abilities I've been pursuing has made me have better accessibility to teleport to the empire instead of the train! So I can stop by for often if needed." Twilight looked at the room clock. "I don't have much time, but you said you wanted to show me something?"

"Well, since you're here!" Said Cadence. "Follow me!"

"I need to prep for a meeting I have planned." Exclaimed Shining Armor. He walked over to the princesses and gave Twilight a good hug. "I guess I'll see you some other time Twily."

"Goodbye brother! Good luck on the meeting!"

Twilight and Cadence walked down the majestic, crystal halls. "So..Twilight."

"Yes Cadence?"

Cadence paused for a moment. "There is something I do need to show-I mean, tell you something."


Cadence stopped and paused leaving the halls silent. Cadence jumped. "Actually! I'll tell you when you visit another time!" She gave Twilight a warm hug. "I must go Twilight. Bye!" Cadence teleported off.

"Hm, when does Cadence ever teleport?" Twilight wondered. Twilight decided to walk towards the back outdoors. She opened the castle doors and sighed at the beauty. "God makes nature so beautiful!" The princess took of her golden shoes and walked around the grass barehoof. She whipped her head around as the birds glided around her. She giggled and as the birds were flying away from her, she galloped after them. Next thing she knew it, she was in heaven. She galloped through beautiful roses, tulips, and other beautiful flowers. Crystal flowers too! While she was looking the other way, she rammed into something making her fall on the grass, well almost.

"Whoah!" An orange pegasus equipped in gold, polished armor, caught the alicorn with her bare hooves. "Are you ok princess?" Twilight gasped in amazement from the accident her heart skipping a beat.

"..yes!" She finally answered. The pegasus smiled. He carefully let the alicorn go and looked back finding out a pack of stallions were behind them.

"Dull Spear, take in charge for the moment!" Said the orange pegasus.

"Yes sir!" A grey crystal unicorn saluted. "Ready...MARCH!!" He whistled. The stallions started their march,  leaving the ponies alone.

"I beg your pardon your majesty. Are you alright?" Asked the orange pegasus in a humble, caring manner. Twilight remembered this pony.  She saw the blue eyes and the warm smile. Twilight couldn't help but blush.

"Y-yes! I am fine." She saw the stallion gave a warmer smile, but quickly jumped into a more professional expression.

"Well, I'm glad you're not h-"

"Twilee!" A young voice interrupted. They all whipped around seeing Flurry Heart flying with  Twilight'a golden shoes with her magic.

"Flurry Heart!" Gasped Twilight. "How come you're out here with no supervison?" Flurry drooped her ears with a guilty expression.

"Well, I saw you. You left your nice shoes in the grass and ran off!" Twilight blushed in embarrassment looking at the stallion and back at her nice, levitating her shoes with her magic.

"Oh, reeaally!?" Twilight gave a fake laugh and quickly put on her shoes. "I didn't know they have came off. Thank you Flurry!"

"You're welcome!" Flurry said in excitement. Since after a few years, of Twilight's coronation,  Flurry had grown a bit as entering at an age of 6 years of age.

"Well you might need to huddle on back, you don't want one of the Nancy's finding you here alone."

"Flurry Heart!" A voice cried.

"Uh oh." Flurry sighed drooping her ears. The nanny found the filly in total stress and rage upon her eyes. That all completely changed, finding Princess Twilight at her side.

"You're Majesty!" She gasped in amazement. She bowed. "My apologies Princess, that Princess Flurry Heart as come out this far!"

"I do put in my apologies nanny Rose, it was my fault." Twilight said.

"Oh NO apologies from you!" She baffled. "Would you like her today?" Twilight looked down at Flurry Heart with a warm smile of love.

"I have a royal meeting here soon. I hope to see you around sometime." Flurry frowned at her aunt.

"Ok. You better!"

Twilight giggled. "Of course sweetie." Flurry smiled and walked back with rose. Twilight turned around seeing the stallion. "I am sorry sir?"

"Flash Sentry, your highness."

"Flash Sentry." Twilight repeated with a smile. "I am terribly sorry for that!"

Flash chuckled giving her a smile. "You're all fine princess." There was a little eye contact for a moment until Flash blinked in reality. He trembled a bit from his mistake. "Forgive me, princess, I have some guards to train."

"Twilight is fine." Flash looked back at Twilight with utter surprisement. "Did I hear you want me to call you, by your name?" Twilight sighed in annoyance of her royal status.

"Of course." Flash's smile grew in excitement.

"Well okay then, Twilight." Flash smiled warmly at the princess, then gave a bow before walking towards his pack of stallions. Twilight watched him go. She had a tickle in her stomach from the expression Flash Sentry had on his face. She snapped back into reality, and brought out her royal list.

"The meeting is in 10 minutes." She said to herself. She lit her horn and teleported back to Canterlot.

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