Divine beauty

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Summary: Every year it's a tradition to go hunting for mates as the full moon comes. Your wolf guides you to your destinated mate, generally it's the alphas who find and come to their mate, the omega's usually roam around dolled up.

Nothing seems like a problem to alpha jimin but a certain thing.

[Warnings will be given in the next chapter]

|Divine beauty pt.1|

Jimin groaned in annoyance threw a vase on the nearby wall breaking it into pieces "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY" he growled loudly and banged the table almost snapping it into two, taehyung rushed to him and massaged his shoulder "Hey relax, chill it's alright, you know mom" jimin closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"C'mon jimin as your mom-"

"Step mom and no you don't have any. fucking. rights." Jimin was about to snap again but taehyung glared at his mother and dragged jimin away.

It's the full moon day aka mating season and alpha jimin again is trying his best to run away from this situation because why the hell would he need someone when he's the one taking the load of the Park family, jimin loves his private space so much and wants none to invade it but...his step mom WON'T let him sit and eat the breakfast peacefully.

You may think that's the only problem right? No it isn't.

It's the Jeons. Parks and Jeons were the two packs who were to never get along even in normal gatherings either it would just end up them mocking each other or almost ready to snap each other's neck. And jimin still remembers that arrogant doe eyed kid...whom he rejected.

(Yall it's in the past k? Sksks idk y wp is being a shit rn but pls cooperate with my ass 😭)

Alpha jimin finally turned 20 and his scent was stronger than usual meaning the mating season has come. Jimin wasn't that excited but still at peace that maybe atleast after every stressful working day he would throw himself in his mate's arms.

Jimin somehow had a bad feeling that maybe just maybe his mate would be one of those arrogant Jeons. He prayed to Luna to have mercy on him and not entangle him with the Jeons for he hates their audacity and guts.

Jimin combed his soft brown hair one more time and looked at himself in the mirror and nodded. He wore the classic but his favorite YSL black suit and black heeled boots. He wore a small and faintly visible earring ofcourse not forgetting his precious rings. As he was about to put on a cologne he realized it's mating season so with a dissatisfied whine he put in back in it's own place.

Jimin huffed still not getting why they have go on 'hunting' their mates like can't they come and each other like normal beings? And another thing that annoys him is the place. It's strictly restricted to mate each other in their homes because it makes Luna sad but again, jimin doesn't gets why. So in order to not get her upset there is a preparation done by all the packs.

By preparation I mean by them going in the mansion and asking their own specific maids to prepare the beds and all kinds of necessary things. The mansion is made beautifully in the middle of the dark bushy forest in order to please goddess Luna.

"Park jimin to remind you that you're going on for hunting your mate not on some mafia meeting," jimin's dad said strictly but there was a playfulness in his tone. Jimin huffed "No way I'm wearing that shit looking like hanbok! I need to look-"

"Oh trying to impress your mate? I see~" jimin scowled at him "Dad stop, god I'm going to be late for you I swear!" Jimin shoved him away and ran downstairs before he hurried made outside.

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