Princess or General?

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[Silva's POV]

"Rise and shine!" A voice shouted, waking me from my sleep and causing me to scream. I looked over and saw Finn standing there with a grin on his face. I groaned, flopping back into my bed and putting my arm over my eyes.

"It's too early, Lieutenant..." I groaned.

"Actually, we let you sleep in. You're expected in thirty minutes." He laughed.

"Ugh, fine." I groan, getting up and out of my bed.

"So, who are you today? Princess or General?" Finn teased me, making me smirk.

"The ceremony is today so I'm the Princess but I'll gladly be the General if it means getting you out of my room." I chuckled.

"Alright, alright." Finn gave a mock surrender before turning to leave.

"Wait, Finn!" I called out. He looked back at me. "What's the situation with the Boggans?" I asked him.

"They crossed our borders last night, but didn't get far." He informed me.

"They've been getting more aggressive... What's the border status?" I asked.

"Hey, your Princess Silva today, not the General. You've already got the ceremony to be thinking about." Finn protested.

"You're right. Sorry, I can't help it sometimes. Whether I'm the Princess or General, it's my duty to protect my people." I explain and he nods.

"And you will continue doing so. Now, I'll leave so you can get changed. The Queen requested that you get ready with her so they brought your dress to her quarters." He informed me.

"Of course." I smiled lightly, knowing that Tara would do something like that. "I'll see you soon, Finn."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed before he left, making me giggle and roll my eyes.

My life had a weird balance to it. At first, my life only ever called for one thing - to be the Princess of Moonhaven. My older sister, Tara, would obviously be Queen so I never had to worry about that stuff as a kid. But after a while, as a teenager, I felt that I wasn't doing enough to help my people since she was doing most of the work at that point. So I joined the Leafmen, much to everyone's protest. I joined at the same time as Ronin, my greatest friend. Me, him, and Tara have been joined at the hip since we could remember. He didn't want me there either but he had to suck it up and deal with it. Eventually, we grew and climbed the ranks - which we both earned by competing with each other and pushing the other to do better. We had each other's backs. When the former General retired, he passed his rank onto both Ronin and me, knowing that we worked better as a pair. He also knew that it was my way of serving my kingdom as a Princess.

I mainly am "General Silva, Green Rank. Commander of Moonhaven Army" but there are some days that I have to wake up and be "Princess Silva, sister to Queen Tara of Moonhaven."

I quickly made my way to her room, greeting those I passed and watching as the Leafmen scouted the area around us. The threats against Moonhaven have grown. The Boggans, led by Mandrake, have been our greatest enemy. They're froggish, insect-like goblins who want to destroy the entire forest. However, my sister holds a special power - she is the forest, able to give new life so they haven't been able to get far. But they've been very aggressive lately, getting closer and closer to the kingdom. But as both General and Princess of Moonhaven, I won't let that happen.

I knocked on my sister's door and they opened by themselves, sometimes I was jealous of my sister's powers. Tara sat in front of a mirror, brushing her hair, trying to get a knot out.

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