chapter four.

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It was a Friday night in your third year of school. At this point in time, you were all at the age of twenty-one, and all of you were feeling incredibly irresponsible tonight. What else could you do except go out and party? After all, Penn State is a well renowned party school.

"Cal, can you do my makeup?" You asked, pulling your shirt on over your head, "pretty please? My hands are too shaky for eyeliner."

"You act like mine are any better," she retorted hotly, "but alright. As you so wish."

You knew that her annoyance was fake and for show, she'd do almost anything for you. The couple of things she wouldn't do were math homework, give you Wilbur, and let you have a dog. That was it.

"What style were you feeling," she bit her tongue as she uncapped the liquid eyeliner, "basic? Cat-eye?"

"Give me a wing sharp enough to stab a bitch."

"So the usual, got it."

Your eyes fluttered shut as she got to work, her breathing more labored so her hands would be steady. You were lucky that your eyes didn't decide to be annoying and squeeze shut today, smudged eyeliner was a no-no.

Once she was done, there was a knock on the door, and Cal was happy to answer it. 

"Keep your eyes closed, Y/N, it has to dry! As for you two, you know you don't need to knock."

"You're the one who locked the door, hot stuff," Wilbur retorted dryly, "or else we would have come in."

Once you knew it was safe to open your eyes, you looked toward the group, Cal and Wilbur in a playful spat while Schlatt just sat on your little cube ottoman, looking bored. He just wanted to go and beat you in shots of Jack and Fireball, which he never seemed to win. Your tolerance was very very high, to say the least.

"Okay, lovers, let's just go hit the bar," you huffed, standing up and spritzing a bit of Calico's Wanderlust perfume onto your wrists, "Schlatt, I will kick your ass at shots."

"No you won't," he grinned roguishly, "I'll beat you first."

The group was quick to head toward downtown, watching as the already drunk first years stumble toward Frat-Row. You grinned fondly, remembering the days of pregaming on shitty Pink Whitney and raspberry lemonade combinations. It really didn't taste like alcohol, just more like terrible lemonade scented hand sanitizer.

"I remember those days," Schlatt mused as he put an arm around your shoulders, giving you one of his million dollar smiles, "I do not miss carrying you down Beaver, though."

"I don't miss you carrying me like a sack of potatoes while Wilbur carried Calico like a princess either," you returned the smile cheekily, "now we're old and can walk just fine while drunk. We aren't greenbeans anymore!"

You noticed Calico and Wilbur whispering and giggling to themselves, probably planning the night's bar crawl. They were definitely up to something, based on how they kept looking at you and giggling.

"Okay, do I have something on my face?" You asked, starting to get annoyed, "what are you two laughing at?!"

"Ohhh nothing," Calico grinned, "really. We're just trying to figure out where to go."

"You can do that without laughing at me."

"Calm down, Y/N, we aren't laughing at you... Well, your cheeks are pretty pink, but that's all."

You shrank away from Schlatt at that point, but he only pulled you back beside him. You knew internally that they were laughing at how cute the two of you were, but it still made you feel awkward. You'll talk to Calico about it later.

A couple of hours passed since you'd gone out, and everyone was just hopelessly tipsy. Schlatt was absolutely definitely not going to remember the morning, and you knew you were at that point too. Calico and Wilbur though, were perfectly fine. Curse their better genetics.

"How are you two fine?" you groaned with your head on the table, "you're both perfectly sober."

"We each only had two drinks," Calico answered warily, "you need people to take care of you since you and Schlatt have competitive drinking games."

"I beat his ass in fucking Beer Pong and that's all I care about."

You looked to Schlatt, who was in a similar position to you. Wilbur was just consoling him, and you realized he was having a drunken cry. He was blubbering on and on about various topics, things like finals stress (it was October...), projects, you name it. 

You made a mental note to give him the number to your therapist in the morning.

"Wilbur," he sniffled, how can I tell her I love her? She's just so fffucking perfect-"

"Okay, J," Wilbur grinned nervously, "let's get home- Cal, can you grab Y/N? I don't want Schlatt embarrassing himself..."

You slowly sat up as Calico lifted you up in a princess carry, giggling because Schlatt never carried you like this. You only laughed harder as Wilbur tossed Schlatt over his shoulder, giving him the treatment he always gave you. 

"I'm suuuch a pretty princess!" You crowed, hugging onto Cal, "very very pretty!"

"Yes, you are," Cal chuckled, walking out while carrying you, "the prettiest princess in all of Penn State."

You grinned toward Wilbur, "Cal, you're a prettier princess though, you found your prince-"

"Okkkay, hush now," she laughed, "we get it, but you're much better than me. At least you don't taste the beer on every guy who talks to you."

"But you can't stay away from Wil," you frowned, "you always go to Brighton over the Summer."

"No, you're right, I can't stay away. I might move overseas when school's done."

You rose a brow, looking up at your friend, "why?"

"To stay with Wil. Speaking of... My key's in my back pocket, can you grab it?"

Wilbur obliged, handing her the key and ignoring Schlatt as he continued his crying. He was just a sad drunk, yaknow? You had to admit though, you didn't want to know who he was talking about when he said he "loved her so much."

For all you knew, it could mean Minx. That would be a beyond terrible thing to know.

"Put him on his side," Cal muttered as she pushed the door open with her shoulder, "Y/N, do you want the tub or floor?"

"I'll take floor," you answered, "thanks..."

You slowly drifted off to sleep as you listened to Cal and Wilbur talk to Schlatt, asking him questions to make sure he was fine, which he thankfully was. 

"Okay, J," Cal said lightly, "who were you talking about when you were tossing around the whole love thing?"

"Oh, Y/N of course," he grinned stupidly, "who else? Minx? Fuckin hate her ass."

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