chapter nine.

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You woke up the next morning to a flurry of excited texts and Twitter notifications. Your eyes nearly popped out of their head as you saw the news:

Lovejoy released a new ep! Wake Up & It's Over.

You wanted to call Calico badly. Or Wilbur. You didn't know who you wanted to contact, but a text from Calico caught your eye.

Hey! I can't talk much today, I'm "hacking" Wilbur's stream to listen to the new EP with his fanbase. It's a first look, so to speak.

You were quick to check Twitch, and thankfully, it looked like it'd just started.

"Right, chat," Calico grinned to the camera, her more bubbly and bright streamer persona turned on, "the second song, Call Me What You Like, is apparently written based on stuff I'd say or do in uni. Yes, I've known Wilbur for that long. I've even provided lyrics to the rest of the EP, but not as much as this song."

A dono popped up, "so then you two really have been best friends for so long?"

"Yes, we've been friends for a very long time," she smiled almost wistfully, opening up Spotify on his other monitor, "I have the spare key to his office, henceforth why I'm here. Coming up next on the Calico Radio is Call Me What You Like, by our beloved Lovejoy!"

You listened to the song with a smile, listening to the stream as you got ready for the day. With it being a Sunday, you didn't have much of anything to do. You could lounge around all day if you so chose, but nope, you were online shopping for a green-screen, amongst other small aesthetic accessories. You were ready to go all-out for your desk.

"Chat, I don't know why you are all yelling SchoolDuo," Calico grinned as she looked at chat, "are Wilbur and I really being shipped now?"

A new dono came up, "does it bother you that you and Wilbur are shipped?"

"Does it bother me? No, not at all. As long as it's our SMP characters, I don't believe he cares. He'd rather you all stay out of his private life though, and I'll admit that I'm the same. As long as there's nothing kinky, feel free to send me art or whatever you've got!"

It was odd, you knew that Cal stopped streaming because of the toxicity of the fanbases, but everyone in Wilbur's chat seemed to be oddly supportive. The support definitely boosted her mood, it was pretty evident she was surprised at how nice people were.

"A reference of my old skin? Uhh, yeah, I'll post it later," her cheeks turned light pink, "y'all know where to find me, I hope? Anyway, enough of the break, next song on the list is Consequences! Let's have a listen."

Once she muted the microphone and donos again, you drifted back to online shopping and cleaning up your apartment. The melodies flowed through your apartment, leaving you amazed at how talented your friends really could be. You knew Cal helped write a couple of the lyrics, but you never realized the extent of how well she did it. You knew from the beginning that she did Call Me What You Like, though. That was not new news for you.

You hummed along to the music as you cut up vegetables and various toppers for your rabbit's meals, closing them into tupperwares. Being as busy as you were during the week, Sundays were your prep days. You couldn't wait for your streaming to take off eventually and for you to quit. You hated this job.

"Right, chat," you heard Calico speak as the song faded out, "you guys want a fun fact? I used to DJ the radio station at the university me, Wilbur, Schlatt, and Y/N went to. Mods, can we shout-out the respective Twitches, considering I might be making a return?"

You rose a brow as you checked chat, surprised she'd shouted you out. Ever since the call with Schlatt, she hadn't talked to you much. You assumed it was just the jet-lag and time difference.

You were quick to type in chat a thank you, wiping the screen of your tablet off since it got a little bit wet from the moisture of the vegetables. Chat seemed to buzz with excitement as you spoke, catching Calico's eye.

"Oh, Y/N! You are here! What do you think of the EP so far?"

You smiled at the notice, sending an "it's super good, this is my first listen!" message. 

"It is super good, isn't it? Next song we have is Warsaw, like the capital of Poland... I still dunno why he chose the capital of Poland, but it's also a vibe."

Your meal prep continued through the rest of the stream, and you noticed your phone was buzzing. It was Schlatt, so you were quick to answer.

"Hey, what's up?" you asked lightly, starting to mix lemon, garlic, herbs, and olive oil together in a bowl, "I'm meal prepping."

"Ah perfect, you do belong there," his wicked grin was evident through the phone, "I had a preposition for you."

"Well, shoot, Schlatt, what is it?"

"How would you like to just quit your job and come move down to Austin? I have so much room, and you can use the time to kickstart your new career."

You rose a brow, trying not to laugh, "Schlatt, dearest, do you know how expensive that would be?! I barely have savings, because I'm paid peanuts. I also have a rabbit, and you know if you look at them wrong, they die of GI-Stasis."

"I'll pay to move you down," he said bluntly, "anything you need. I'm a fuckin' millionaire, Y/N, let me get you out of DC."

"That's a kind offer," you said softly, looking down at your rabbit as it seemingly begged for a dandelion green, "know what? I'm in. My lease is due to be renewed in two months, so I'll cancel it then. Does that sound good? Gives me two months to get my shit together and maybe mail less-important things to you."

"That sounds good," Schlatt smiled as he typed a few notes onto a virtual sticky, his desktop littered with them, "I asked Wilbur and Calico too, but got a very blunt no... They're happier in Brighton, I guess."

"Yeah, I think they are happier there," you mused, giving your rabbit the green it wanted, "but if my rabbit drops dead of GI-Stasis, you're getting me a new one, mister. They are free-roam, will that be an issue with Jambo?"

"I didn't think about that," he muttered, looking to his cat, "I'd say keep the rabbit just in your room. Jambo is super dumb but in the best way, and while I don't think he'd view it as a snack, he also did eat eleven fridge magnets and the foam off my microphone."

"Geez," you winced, sitting on the floor and letting your rabbit cuddle up, "I'll keep it with me then. Thanks, Schlatt, I'll start getting my affairs in order."

"Anytime, Y/N. Can't wait to live with you again."

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