Chapter 21

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Footsteps caught her ears, waking her up, before there was a knock on their bedroom door. "Wake up everybody. Today is the day," said Dandelion's muffled voice from the other side. Nightjar had hurriedly tried to get up but he did not enter the room for her own happiness. She would be ashamed if he saw her huddled in his friend 's wings. "I'll wait for you in the downstairs lounge but hurry before the first customers arrive. No one must see us leave, as a precaution," he informed her.

- We'll be there in a few moments," she replied, still feeling tired.

Her head was nestled comfortably in Maple's neck and they both still had their tails lightly entwined between them. She would have liked to stay here a moment longer, in his arms, in this soothing silence. However, she tried to stand up and managed to pull herself up and see Maple's soothed, still sleeping face. "He's sleeping like a little dragonet", she thought, not stopping herself from smiling.

At the same time she thought back to last night, before they went to sleep. She immediately felt embarrassed and instinctively covered her eyes with her hands, shameful. "Did I really say that ? This is so...". The hybrid couldn't find the words and let out a loud sigh. The moments of the night before were overtaking her thoughts and even invading her body. The idea of being in love with Maple didn't make her feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it was what she really felt. However, she was afraid that she had not had time to think about it long enough, that it would all come to nothing in the end and that it would be ephemeral, like the life expectancy of a butterfly. May it all be lost...

She shook her head to escape these intrusive thoughts. Time was what everyone was missing and she was lucky that their feelings were mutual. "I won't give up on this just because of some doubts". She hurried over to wake Maple, shaking him gently by the shoulder, "Um... What ? said the sleeper.

- We need to go now.

- Already ? I feel like I barely slept.

- Oh. So who's the lazy one now ? she laughed.

- Fine. You won this time," he warned, rising slowly. He stretched out his wings, which let the faint light of the just-risen sun shine through their membrane. She waited for him to open the door but Maple interrupted her : "Nightjar ?

- What is it ?

- About last night," he said, looking away a little, embarrassed, before pulling himself together, "I hope that I didn't make a pressure you. I don't want to... to hurry you or something like that.

- No, she said, No you don't, she looked into his delicate golden eyes, Don't worry. For instance, we have to go.

- I follow you".

After each of them had put back on the suit they had taken off before going to bed, the new couple made their way to the ground floor where Dandelion was waiting for them, but also Coyot. Not far from the counter where the two friends were waiting, on tables, large capes were spread out and the four-winged dragon had not one but two pouches around him. Both were glowing singularly with an orange glow that could be seen in the still dark room.

"Here are the two dreamers, said Coyot, Did you pass the night well ?

- Quite well, yes, said Nightjar.

- Good, because we'll have to be sharp and careful from now on, added Dandelion.

- Are we going to get hurt or not ? asked Maple.

- Normally there should be no complications, but we have to be on our toes. However, I'm going to entrust you with something just in case.

He grabbed one of the two pouches and handed it to Nightjar. She looked at the bag, then at Dandelion who motioned for her to look inside and she reached in and pulled out a small glowing vial. Its light energy came from a long silk filament and as she touched the small vial, she felt the warmth emanating from the effervescent strand between her claws. "Thank you, I suppose... May I ask what I'm going to use this for ? she asked, actually already having an idea.

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