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Hello, I'm the author.

So basically Ima give you some info about the characters and what's going on rn. Bye I guess dawg.


Green's actual name is Ivy Lequas. She is one of the biggest introverts in the group. She is 18 and is the middle child. She's friends with everyone in the group but mostly Red and Black. She gives advice to Gray and Purple sometimes, while blue just lets all the tea on her. which she's not complaining. She lives for tea.

Ivy doesn't care what she thinks about herself but others opinion does matter. she tries not to let it get into her head as much but it still somehow gets there. All she wants is to be free for once.

She loves to read and will sometimes read outside when it rains. but obviously somewhere where the pages wouldn't get wet. She longs to find the love that the story's in her book's have.

Ivy also loves music. almost as much as she loves thunderstorms. sometimes when she feeling low she will get her airpods and listen to music outside. that always helps her feel much better.

Ivy Lequas tries not to smoke and curse but sometimes she will. and when she tries not to curse I mean she doesn't think about it.

She has dark brown hair with wavy (And sometimes curly) hair. her eyes are as green as her favorite color (Well I mean, its her favorite color). She has tannish skin and sometimes will have transparent blue-light glasses. she doesn't need glasses though.


Red is a wild one alright, his actual name is Axel Travort and is a anti-social person. He is kinda the one who protects everyone. Especially Gray and Green. Even though Green an protect herself Red is her best-friend. He would die if something happened to her. But sometimes blue will be running behind him for protection from something that he did. Red is also friends with Black.

Red is kinda the protector. even though he curses in almost every sentence, he is lost he thinks alcohol, smoking, and other things may be the solution. He never means to hurt anyone. He just wants to be known and left alone.

Axel loves music as well. He loves pop too. Instead of books he likes movies. Especially action, he wouldn't admit it but he can be a real softie when it comes to romance films.

Red has brown hair and little bleached streaks, in his roughly curly hair (As seen in the 2nd photo). He has slightly darker skin than Green, but browner eyes.


Blue is the most mysterious one in the group. He's better friends with Purple than anyone else. He finds trust in him. Blue is incredibly smart, with his perfect-angle genius brain, he really has the advantage. His actual name is Glen Quatious. 

While Glen struggles to find where he really fits in and where he belongs, he identity scares the living fuck out of him. while he's in the middle of a identity crisis he usually smashes mirrors. No one really knows about this other than Green and Gray. He's on the edge of telling Black for some reason.

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