The Meeting.

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Ivy's Pov:

First day. First day of a new school. A new grade. New people. And more challenges. I couldn't get my head around how to make friends on campus, but anyways I could probably make friends with whoever I'm sharing a dorm with or something. I was on a call with my friend (Whos a boy) Leom.

Once I got to my dorm apartment thing I opened the doors. It was the biggest dorm in the whole school I'm guessing. When you open the doors, the whole place greets you with an exotic smell. Kinda like that one Ocean scent in the men's collection from bath and bodyworks. on the right-side of the door was a small table, enough to hold a small plate. I point the camera to the table and joke, "vErY hElPfUl!" And a deep laugh comes from the phone. about six feet from that was a hallway. Or I'm guessing it is. When I walk toward it it was semi-dark, except for a room with a light coming from it. 

"Wait," I heard Leom say, "Grab your mini knife," He demands in my airpod.

"Why?" I whisper.

"Well, you never know!"  

I scoff and grab my knife from my bag

"God you're so dramatic."

"I know."

"Good," I tease.

As I crack the door I look into it, seeing if anyone's there. As i saw it was clear I open the door fully. This room was HUGE! It was all painted in a rich Red and gold, It kinda reminded me of doctor Strange in some way.

"Woahh!" I hear from the phone

I was breath taken from the room. probably the fanciest I've ever seen. As I looked around I found a window, taken up by the room, I look at the view."

 "What a beautiful forest in the back!" I say

"Yeah.." Leom says , "Anyways I have to go alright? Tell me all about it when I get back, alright?"

"Yup," I conform as we say our goodbyes and hanged up. I saw there was two there doors connecting to this room, I open it and it was this huge walkway with clothes in all different shades and colors. As I walk out I go through the other door. As I reached it open with my free hand I see there was a big shower, a huge bathtub, and a sink.

When I finish looking I head for the exit, avoiding running into the huge bed painted red, and the desk with fresh gray on it, and everything else that's good like that.

I shut the door and exit the hallway,  damn I thought, A whole half hallway for a red gorgeous room! If the others aren't that good I'll go for that one, Maybe.

Once I was fully out of the hallway I Head toward the next room, this one was on the other side of the door, exactly across. this one I opened widely, It was a beautifully painted gray. curtains nicely folded above the bed. It was a thin transparent gray fabric.

Maybe I would get this one  I think 

After that I decide to explore more, I look into the Kitchen with a built-in breakfast bar. I t was painted in smooth and new white fabric. I loved here. I was away from home and I didn't care. Next I explored the Bathroom. Pretty nice. Huge as well.

After all of that I opened almost every door until I found my favorite color.


I opened it and the room greeted me with a couple candles. There was a hole in the wall. I think it was suppose to be there. It was marvelously painted in darker green than the rest of the room. The little dip could probably fit a golden retriever.. Possibly. For the majority of it it was pretty clean and empty. The bed made king size beds look tiny. This room wasn't small. Quite the opposite. After exploring the appeasing bed I found a hallway in the room. Kinda like the one in the red bedroom. This one had, also a closet to fit a celerity, or even one of the Royals. I rubbed my eyes. I cant believe I got this scholarship. Who would've guessed? After done being in shock for straight up 4 minutes, I explore the bathroom. A green paint with vines over the mirror, tucked to the side of it. I looked on the other side of the mirror to a couple more candles. A nice toilet and a bath, across from the black marble bathtub was a black and green marble. It was cool, But weird. How the fuck do you make Green marble?

I decided to go for the green one. When I escaped the glorious room to my luggage I see someone, Dark hair and black eyes. The coolest I've ever seen. When I see him, him and I freeze. I don't know why he froze but I imitated him. When I was finally done fangirling in my head I realize he was just done with a shower, a towel below his lower end. Leaving his jacked abs exposing them to me. I was about to blush. Damn. I've never seen any abs like his. I started again, Black eyes. Shut up, wait how could I notice? He was across the room from me? Good observation, me. I praise 


I'd just come out of a hot, intense shower to see a girl. I thought that a man would be paired with a man, but I'm not complaining. She's hot. But as long as there's only one of them. When I'd open the door my black eyes matched with her emerald ones. She was wearing a high bun and a black crop-top with very, VERY holey jeans. I mean I wasn't complaining, She was beautiful. Practically perfect. Not that I'd ever date her, just maybe fuck her you know? Frie- Acquaintances with benefits! I'll make her love me. She's probably just checking out this place, Right? She wasn't my ACTUALL roommate? Right? 

When I snap back into reality I finally realize I'm in a towel. My thick abs showing. And I knew she Loved it.

"H-hi uhh I'm Ivy. I guess I'd be your roommate,"


I take it back. All of it.


"..Roommate" I finish. I didn't know what to say. I mean He was basically naked a couple feet away from me.

Suddenly, in a flash he's standing right in front of me, Pressing me into the walls. 

"I'm Jagger. Now darling," Eww. J name. Red flag.. But I guess he's a good J name. "You never tell anyone you saw me, partially naked. Ok?"

By this point his wet abs were on mine. He held my face, up to his.

Holy shit. He's Hot.

"Y-yes." I sounded like a fucking slut for some reason. But Damn. I just met this guy and the sexual tension between us was Huge. Kinda like his dick right now. I don't want to say it but it was. I could feel it. Send help please. "But who would I tell? I have no friends here."

"You have me."

"You, experienced this with me." I took a hard breath.

"I already have the black room."

"That's fine with me. I've got green-" I say before getting interrupted by the door opining wide.

"OH GREAT HEAVANS!" I heard come from the door. At this point Jagger let go of my chin and was standing up straight. My tank top was still wet after his affect.

"I'm sorry, this must be the wrong room!"

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