The Devil.

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"I'm sorry, this must be the wrong room!" The little cheerful voice said as he went to go see the dorm number.

"Oh wait.." He continues, "ahehe, This is the right one."

"My bad, I was just telling her something. Not to tell." Jagger States

"Oh I swear," He puts his hands in the air, as if he was getting arrested, "I won't tell."

"We weren't- " I try.

"Girl its fine!" He reassures,

"We just met." Jagger finishes.

"I knew it! Love at firsts site. I'm Zane Ravel."

"Nice, Ivy,"

"Jagger." He doesn't seem happy.

"Anyways is there a gray room by any chance?" He asks,

"Oh yeah! Its kinda saved for you, I took Green and he took Black." I answer.

"Oh thanks!" He praises, as I lead him with his luggage to his room. I think Jagger wanted to continue that. Maybe either later or right after. Besides that I was excited for my other roommates.

What would they look like?
What would the be like?

Would they be my friend?

Would they be my enemy?

Or would they be in between?

Would the be my lover?

Would they be my soulmate?

When I got to his room he gasped.

"Oh, God this is beautiful! Perfect!" As he let go of his luggage and jumped on the bed.

"Anyways.. I'll leave you to it!" I say,

"Thanks.. Green."


"Well, you have green eyes and a green room. I guess your favorite color is green?"

"Yeah, And you must love gray?"

"How'd you know?" He jokes

"Bye.. Gray." He just smiled.


When I got out of his room I saw that Jagger was leaning in the place we left him, But in clothes. To be exact he was wearing a leather jacket, under it was a white shirt. Completed with a light-blue jeans holey like mine. His black eyes just stared, while he chewed on some toothpick.

"You must think you're cool?"

"You don't?" He scoffs,


"Well, you have bad taste."

"Go look in a mirror, then come talk to me."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Well, I guess you wouldn't because you cant, Bitch." Damn. That one kinda slipped out.

As I realize that he's gonna kill me he pushes me to the wall, like I was before, But this time he didn't hold my face.

"You wanna test that theory huh doll?" And there goes my chin, Right in his hands again.

I scoff, "You wish, F boy,"

"I'm not a F boy,"

"Fine. Emo boy,"

"Not emo,"

"Fine. Trash boy,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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