Chapter 3 - Keiran

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I start to walk home from today's school session but I then remember that it was supposed to rain (the weather people were going to start it at about 2:30-ish) and decide to take the route home through the forest. The forest is a strange place so not many people wish to walk through it's entangling branches. But do to the fact that I can not take the hub until I get enough money,or my parents let me, and since it's going to rain and I have no cover, I have to walk through the forest so that I don't get as wet. I walk down an ally between two stores and start to head through the forest. I look around at the trees. I mumble "I can believe these are real, living trees like in the past." An electric bird chirps in the distance. I keep walking. After a while I get close to the middle of the forest where I have to turn to get to my house. Suddenly out I no where a blur tackles me. My eyes bulge out of my head as I look up at the figure, a girl. A girl with blood on her face mixed with mud stained on her close and sticks in her wet hair. I back away must've looking pretty freaked out. She smirks and waves. Then she just runs off into the distance.

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