Chapter 7- Annabeth

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Annabeth's POV

My dream that night was horrible. 

I saw the whole eidolon expeirence through Percy's eyes. I saw the evil gleam in my eyes. I felt the pain when the dagger hit Percy's heart. What broke my heart was the last thing he saw before his life flashed before his eyes; my eyes gleaming with amusement and I smiled as he died.

The worst part was seeing Percy stumble through the underworld. He seemed confused. Lost. I wanted to help so bad; to tell him I love him; tell him I'm sorry.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I Got up and headed towards the door to talk to Percy but then I remebered it wasn't a dream. He was really gone he really died. When this hit me I collapsed to the floor. I put my head in my hands. I always went to Percy when I needed support. WHo would I go to now. 

I heard a knock on my door followed by Franks voice, "Annabeth, you ok?"

I stood up and opened the door. He looked at me unsuprised by my tear stained face. He looked down and I noticed I hadn't chenged yet. 

"I'll be right back." I went into the bathroom and changed out of my blood stained clothes. I scrubbed and scrubbed but my hands still had a red tint to them.

I walked out and found frank sitting in the floor fidgeting. He looked up at me. "Hey."

"Hey." I said weakly.

"You... Uh you ok?" 

I shrugged, "Not really."

"Yeah I get that. Just... I'm here for you. Everyone on Argo ll is." 

"I know but you guys won't be once you find out the truth." I muttered the last part mainly to myself.

"Annabeth whatever happened its not your fault."

"But it is Frank. It is."

"Unless you are phisically the one who--" 

"Fine! You want to know what happened?! I stabbed him. There happy now?!" I shouted at him. Then slid to the ground against the wall, and added quietly, "I-I stabbed him."

Frank looked stunned at my outbreak. "Annabeth--"

"Just please go."

He looked at me concerned but still stood up and walked out. "Let us know if you need anything ok?"

I didn't reply. I heard the door close and I buried my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry Percy; I'm so sorry." I sobbed into my hands. Eventually I stood up a headed to breakfast. Everyone was poking at their food. All 12 eyes focused on me when I walked in.

"Leo," he looked suprised I was adressing him but I continued. "How far from camp are we?"

"Uh.. Festus hear that?!" He shouted. There was series of clicks before Leo looked back at me a said, "An hour tops."

"Can we make a pit stop?"I asked them.

"Yeah where?" Leo asked.


"Festus set course for Manhatten!" Leo shouted. After more Leo talk--as Leo called it-- he told me, "Should be there in about  10 minutes."

"Thanks Leo." I turned to walk away.

"Annabeth wait--" Frank started.

"I dont want to talk about it Frank." I cut him off.

He looked like he wanted to argue but Hazel put her hand on his shoulder. I looked at her and let my eyes tell her 'Thank you'.


When I got to my room I put in my favorite outfit. I wore my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of grey jeggings, with my tennis shoes. It was my favorite outfit ever since Percy told me it matched my eyes. Gods I can't even get ready without thinking about Percy. 

Just as Leo had said, ten minutes after we set course Leo came over the intercom, "Manhatten here comes the baddest group of demigods you've ever met!" 

Leo used to say that all the time and Percy would come on later and make them all luagh by saying 'and of course theres you guys to.' We all used to luagh at that but now that memory just made me sad.

I went up and Leo asked where I wanted him to land. I pointed to an apartement building and said, "Just drop me off there."

He looked at me weird but still lowered the ship and ladder so I could get off.

I walked up to the door I was looking for and knocked. I heard some shuffling inside before, "Coming!"

Paul answered the door and smiled at me. I didn't return it. "Annabeth! Come on in."

I walked in and sat at the table. Sally heard me come in and walked out of the room she had been cleaning in. She had a huge grin. I hated to kill it but when she saw my expression her face fell. "Paul can you give us a minute?"

He looked at her suspisously, "Yeah I'll be in the living room."

Once he left my facade broke. Seeing Sally I couldn't bottle up the tears I didn't want to spill anymore. I had cried so much I just wanted it to stop. I wanted him back.

Sally sat down and asked, "Annabeth, whats wrong?"

All I could mange through the sobs was, "I'm sorry, I- I'm so sorry."

Sally hugged me until I finally calmed down. I sniffed and she handed me a tissue. I blew my nose and worked up my curouge. "We were looking for the others when an eidolon attacked. It took me over. I couldn't..." I watched as realization struck.

"Is he..." She asked no doubt hoping she had interpreted me wrong.

I shook my head and explained everything. I left out some details for her sake but I knew she got the gist of it. By the end Sally was crying and I had a few silent tears falling down my face. 

Paul walked out. "Hope you girls don't mind...." He trailed off when he realized Sally was crying. He walked over and held her. He looked over to me with questioning eyes. I just looked down and let my silent tears keep falling. When Sally calmed down Paul asked, "Whats wrong?"

Neither me nor Sally moved to answer. Both our eyes drifted to Percy's door though; which gave Paul all the answer he needed.

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