15.Tip of the Tongue💫

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"Luna-Mia did say I have a lot of stuff in here, but she failed to mention that I have an entire line of luxury and designer items; Balmain, Brynello, Cicinelli, Valentino, Zegna and Channel, and of course Louis Vuitton."

Octavia said as Luna-Mia smiled at her. Luna- Mia and Atlas watched as she fluttered around the room like a bee does from flower to flower. She went from dress to dress, shoe to shoe.

"I can see this is going to take a while, have you eaten breakfast as yet, I can order something up for you. It's after 11 am now."

Luna-Mia says as Octavia reached over and felt the space that Atlas had occupied. The cold rumpled sheet gave her an indication as to just how long she had been asleep, and how long he had been missing.

His scent lingers around her, clinging to her like a second skin. He smelt like evergreen forest and mint, and all she wanted to do was to burrow herself deeper inside it. She didn't want to get up, she just want to close her eyes and drift off to...

"Octavia, you better not have fallen asleep. You have to prepare for the ceremony."

Luna-Mia chastised as Octavia smiled while. Just then, Atlas burst into the room balancing a tray of English continental breakfast with a bit of an American fusion.

"I thought that after all the strenuous activities of last night, you would be famished."

Atlas said as Octavia reached for his discarded shirt and pulled it over her head. It covered all the important bits as she refocused her attention on him. 'What were they talking about again?'

"Damn, that shirt looks so much better on you. All I want to do is take it off again."

Atlas said honestly as he could feel his wolf surfacing. His eyes flashed golden and Ovtavia could tell that he was horny again. That was one of the best things about Atlas, he always wanted her, no matter where or when. But she was tired.

"Oh hell no Atlas. I'm so tired from last night, or was that this morning? Unless you want me to miss my Luna Ceremony."

Octavia teased as Atlas' wolf surfaced. It was so quick, so sudden, that Octavia could hardly comprehend the change behind his eyes. It was so quick, so sudden, that Octavia couldn't breathe as she was sucked in by the intensity of his stare.

"Are you getting cold feet?"

Atlas asked as he pulled her to sit between his pegs. He reached over and fed her a piece of strawberry dipped in chocolate.

"That was orgasmic, not sure how many more of those I can take for today."

Octavia said as Atlas kissed her cheeks.

"Don't tempt me, or you might find my tongue between your legs trying to find out the answer to that question."

Atlas said as Octavia felt the piece of fruit fly down the wrong throat. A splutter of coughs and she finally got it to go down the right one.

Atlas wordlessly handed her a glass of water which she greedily swallowed. She lifted the glass from her lips.

"Damn, give a girl some warning."

Octavia said as Atlas bit her ear lightly.

"Now what's the fun in that?"

Octavia teased as Atlas swore she would be the death of him, not that he minded. He trailed kisses from her neck and sucked on her breast while his fingers twirled her nipples.

He forced her legs to part, exposing the soft creamy flesh between them. That pussy was all his. He bent his head as he licked her folded beelining towards her center of pleasure.

His tongue flickered to her clit as he heard her sharp intake of breath.

"Oh fuck, you can't."

Octavia started as Atlas smiled tilted his head and looked into her eyes.

"I can and I will."

He said as he refocused his attention on her pleasure. His tongue seemed to move at hyper speed, flickering, hitting, nibbling, coaxing her into it. a frenzy of need and lust.

"Atlas, we can't...you have to...I need."

Octavia started trying to formulate the words to express what she needed him to do. But at the end of the day, there was no need, as he already knew exactly how she wanted to be fucked.

He bit down on her pussy lightly teasing her labia between his lips, as Octavia tangled her hands into his hair. She was close.

She could feel her muscles clenching and u clenching, just need that...that push to fall over the precipice of an orgasm. As if sensing he need Atlas added a finger inside of her, then two.


Octavia screamed as she shattered on his fingers. Her orgasm rolled on in waves, soaking his fingers in her pleasure as Atlas smiled at seeing her completely undone...boneless, spineless, and weightless as her breathing came out in pants, gasping for air, trying to get enough oxygen into her lungs.

"You okay baby?"

Atlas asked as he lay beside her, watching her pant and labor under the onslaught of his pleasure.

"Just give me a second to catch my breath God damn it, that was incredible."

Octavia said as Atlas beamed with pride.

"I'm happy to please."

Atlas said as his cock lengthened and hardened at the sight of her. She licked her lips as she somersaulted their positions and had her beneath him.

"My turn."

Octavia said as she licked the tip of his dick. Atlas jolted from the pleasure and all he wanted to do was to bury his dick inside her sweet click cunt.

"On your knees."

Atlas said as Octavia took him out of her mouth and slick to kneel at the edge of the bed. He gathered her dark hair in his hand, wrapping it around his hand so as not to lose his grip.

"What's your safe word?"

Atlas asked as Octavia's tongue sliddered down the length of his cock.

"Even if we have one. I don't think I'll be able to use it with my mouth filled to the brim with your cock."

Octavia said as Atlas stared down at her. He was truly blessed by the Moon Goddess to have a mate like her. She was made for him like he was made for her.

"Point taken."

Atlas said he felt her tongue circle the length of him, swirling around his dick as her fingers played with his balls, expertly shifting them in her fingers while applying the right amount of grip.

His eyes rolled back in his head. Her head dipped and captured his tip between her lips. One minute in and he could feel his orgasm gathering inside of him.

His fingers tangled in her hair and forced her to keep still


His cum filled her until it leaked from the corners of her lips. She stood back and admired his thick long cock that had risen and war reeling to go.

"You are going to be the death of me, but I can't think of a better way to go."

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