The blonde boy

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When I left the room I noticed that the boy I was talking to Draco Malfoy was waiting for me "why are you still here?" "Because you seem like a cool person and I wanna get to know you better" this is probably my first friend if we even become friends "ok". We walk to the great hall and continue to talk he was actually really fun to talk to. We get to the great hall and we go our separate ways, I sit next to Ron and start reading a potions book "why where you talking to mafloy!?" I look up from my book and look at him as if he's a dramatic rat "because he's fun to talk to" "fun to talk to Stella he's a asshole" i was a bit shocked this was the first time i had ever heard him swear "calm down" i grab some bread and just eat plane nothing on it bread very delicious.

"I don't think you should be talking to him he's a massive toser" harry told me while he put this potions book back into him bag "i can talk to who ever I want" I get up and leave the great hall and head to my next class "she's been hanging out with malfoy for one day and she's already becoming sour" i heard Ron say before I left he can be such an asshole sometimes.

I spend the rest of the day [doesn't include class] hanging out and talking "so your mother was going to be minister of magic" Draco looked shocked for some reason "yeah before she died I think she would have been the youngest minister of magic " i loved talking about how amazing my mum was "your mum sounds cool" "yeah she does doesn't she" we talk and talk and talk while looking up at the sky i started to cry because of how much my eyes hurt "are you ok Stella why are you crying?" Draco seemed to be worried u couldn't see him or anything for that matter everything was blurry "my eyes hurt" i don't tell him about the blurriness "can we go inside please" "yeah sure" i grab on to Draco rode so not to bumb into anything or anyone.

"Why are you holding on to me?" "Can't see anything" why does this always happen when I'm in bright places for to long, we stand on the wall of the hall way waiting for my vision to come back "ok I'm fine what where you saying about a house elf?" I act as if nothing happened "are you sure your ok?" Goodness why dose everyone always ask me this "yes I'm fine that always happens when I'm in a bright place for to long no need to panic" i act as if he was ridiculous for panicking "ok if you say so" he get back to talk and now that i think about it we're been hanging out and talking all day maybe i do have a new friend after all.

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