Rescue in the Outlands

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"I'm glad you were able to hang out today Alexis. It's been a bit lonely around here with you gone in the Pridelands. Being in the Lion Guard now and all." Jasiri says as she is walking with Alexis in the Outlands.

"Well at least Kion said I was more than welcome to call off when I wanted to visit home as long as I came straight back if they needed me." Alexis says as she smiles before she and Jasiri spot Janja and his hyenas.

"Janja!" Jasiri shouts.

"Jasiri?" Janja asks as he and his group notice Alexis and Jasiri.

"What are you doing on my turf?" Jasiri asks.

"Your turf? Since when?" Janja asks confusedly.

"Since... Now. Oh. Did you forget to mark your turf for the dry season?" Jasiri asks as she laughs before marking a rock.

"No! I uh..." Janja says nervously.

"Too bad. Now you're in my territory. But you're welcome to pass through if you'd like." Jasiri says as she smiles.

"Pass through? Think I'd rather take it back!" Janja says as he growls.

"Have it your way!" Jasiri says as she begins fighting with Janja while Alexis knocks Cheezi and Chungu away.

"Got ya now Jasiri." Janja says as he pins Jasiri.

"That's what you think! Forget about me did you?" Alexis asks as she tackles Janja off Jasiri.

"Ow! Hey! Cut it out!" Janja says as Jasiri knocks him to the ground a little ways away.

"Sure. Just stop fighting me and go back the way you came." Jasiri says.

"Yeah all right. But just you wait. This ain't over Jasiri! For you or Alexis!" Janja says as he and his hyenas run off.

"Looks pretty over to me." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Come back anytime Janja!" Jasiri says as she laughs.


"You found us!" Wema shouts as Jasiri finds her and Tunu while Alexis watches from behind a boulder.

"I did. And now we can all look for Madoa and Alexis. You ready? Is she here? Let's see..." Jasiri says before Alexis ducks down only for Jasiri to jump over the boulder and tackle her.

"You got me." Alexis says as she laughs before Jasiri lets her up.

"One down and one to go. Guess we gotta keep looking." Jasiri says as the group looks for Madoa.

"We're gonna find you Madoa!" Tunu shouts happily.

"Jasiri!" A voice shouts revealing to be Janja as Alexis and Jasiri look at him.

"Back so soon Janja? I already told you this is my turf now." Jasiri says.

"Yeah so get out." Alexis says.

"Oh this ain't about turf. I told ya this wasn't over. Get them." Janja shouts as more of his clan appear.

"Jasiri! Alexis!" The cubs shout as Alexis and Jasiri see pups being chased by Cheezi and Chungu.

"Kids!" Alexis shouts as she and Jasiri make a run to get to the cubs.

"No! Leave them alone! They're only cubs!" Jasiri shouts as she and Alexis make their way past the hyenas and over to the cubs.

"No! Stop!" Alexis shouts as she and Jasiri knock Cheezi and Chungu away from the cubs only for Janja to knock Alexis, Jasiri, and the cubs into a vent.

"I'll get you for this Janja!" Jasiri shouts as Alexis tries to climb out but is unable to.

"You ain't gonna get nobody Jasiri. You're stuck down there. Gather 'round boys! What do you say we stick around and see what happens next? Should be very entertaining." Janja says as Alexis growls at him before she and Jasiri see the rising lava below.


"What was that?" Tunu asks in fear as steam comes out of lava.

"It's okay Tunu. It's just a little steam." Alexis says as she gently nuzzles Tunu.

"I'm not worried as long as we're with you." Wema says as she looks at Alexis and Jasiri.

"You see that? The steam down there means the vent's gonna blow. Then bye-bye Alexis and Jasiri." Janja says as he laughs.


"How ya feelin' down there? Hot enough for ya? Well fur brains guess one of my plans is finally gonna work." Janja says.

"Guess again Janja." A voice says.

"Oh come on. Not you guys. Isn't one Lion Guard member enough to deal with today?" Janja asks in annoyance.

"Who's up there?" Wema asks.

"It's Kion." Alexis says as she listens to the commotion above.

"And the rest of the guard." Jasiri says as Alexis smiles.

"Alexis, Jasiri hold tight! I'm coming!" Kion shouts as there are sounds of fighting.

"Don't worry! We're not going anywhere!" Alexis says as she looks worriedly at the lava.

"Are you okay?" Kion asks as he looks down into the vent.

"Oh we're fine. Would love a little help though." Jasiri says as the lava is continuing to rise.

"Hurry Kion." Alexis says.

"Incoming rock. Look out for the splash." Beshte says.

"Uh okay." Alexis says as the group stays back before the rock falls into the vent.

"Nice one Beshte." Alexis says seeing the rock is rising with the lava.

"Wema, Tunu. When I say go we're going to jump. Go!" Jasiri says as the group jumps onto the rock letting them get to safety before seeing Janja is the only hyena left.

"I don't see Jasiri or Alexis nowhere. And that means I win." Janja says happily.

"Look again Janja. You really want to fight all of us by yourself?" Jasiri asks as she and Alexis run over growling.

"Fine. But this ain't over Jasiri." Janja says as he leaves with Cheezi and Chungu.


"Asante Lion Guard. Thanks." Jasiri says happily.

"Happy to help." Kion says.

"It's weird. I know Janja was trying to win back his turf, but this was more than that. He was really out to get me." Jasiri says.

"Wasn't just you he was after." Alexis says as she looks at Jasiri.

"It's the dry season. It makes animals do crazy things sometimes." Kion says.

"Those hyenas were nice. Nothing to be afraid of at all. Hyenas in the Pride Lands!" A zebra shouts as he screams seeing Jasiri.

"Uh..." Alexis says.

"Don't ask." Kion says as Alexis chuckles.

"Well I should take these cubs back to the clan. See you next time Lion Guard." Jasiri says.

"Bye Lion Guard. Thank you." Tunu and Wema say in union as they leave with Jasiri.

"Okay everybody. Let's go home." Kion says.

"Kion I'm gonna make sure Jasiri gets back home with the cubs safely. I'll be along later. But I know one thing I am certainly going to be patrolling in the Outlands more. I don't want that to happen again." Alexis says as Kion looks at her.

"Me neither. Be careful okay?" Kion asks as Alexis nods.

"I will." Alexis says as she runs off to catch up to Jasiri.

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