Long Live the Queen

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"Leave those cubs alone Chuluun!" Kion shouts as the group arrives to see Chuluun chasing three tiger cubs.

"I was just about to do that." Chuluun says as she stops and runs off.

"Night Pride, Lion Guard together! Kion, have my sister, Bunga, and Beshte help the cubs." Rani says as the group begins running together.

"Right. Guys?" Kion asks.

"As always Kion." Alexis says as she, Bunga, and Beshte stop and go over to the cubs.

"Awwww look how cute their stripes are. And how sharp their teeth are." Bunga says as one of the cubs bites his arm.

"Don't worry little guys. We're here to help you get to the Tree of Life." Beshte says reassuringly.

"But what about our mom?" One of the cubs asks worriedly.

"We're gonna help her too. Follow us small ones. You'll be safe with us." Alexis says as she smiles softly at the cubs before the cubs begin to follow the group.

"Did somebody say cubs? We got cubs." Bunga says as the group goes over to the others.

"Mom!" The cubs shout as they run over to their mother.

"Oh you're safe. Thank you for your help. My name is Varya. I've heard the Tree of Life could be a safe place to raise my cubs. Is that true?" The tiger asks.

"That's up to the queen." Rani says.

"Then I need to see her." Varya says.

"Of course, Varya. We'll take you to see her." Rani says.

"Rani. Rani. Queen Janna needs you and the Night Pride." Ullu says as she flies over.

"Oh?" Rani asks.

"Go ahead Rani. Me and the Lion Guard will stay with Varya and her cubs." Kion says as he looks at Rani.

"That won't do. The queen asked for Kion and Alexis too." Ullu says as Alexis gives a surprised look.

"Us too?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Go on. We can handle this." Fuli says as she looks at Alexis and Kion.

"Yeah. We got everything under control. Ow!" Bunga says as the cubs tackle him causing Alexis to laugh slightly.

"Don't worry. I've got everything under control." Fuli says.

"Thanks Fuli." Kion says as Alexis nods.

"Thank you. Let's go." Rani says as the group leaves.


"What's going on? Why are they all here?" Baliyo asks as the group arrives back and sees many animals outside.

"It's Grandmother Janna." Rani says.

"Something must be wrong." Alexis says sadly.

"It seems her time has come." Nirmala says.

"Oh. Rani, Alexis, Baliyo..." Kion says as the group goes inside and sees Makini caring for Janna.

"Hello? Grandmother?" Rani asks.

"Rani. Princess. Is that you?" Janna asks.

"Yes, Grandmother. It's me. The whole Night Pride is here." Rani says as everyone greets Janna.

"How is she?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Makini who shakes her head.

"And is Kion with you as well?" Janna asks as Alexis looks at her.

"Yes grandmother. We're both here just like you asked." Alexis says as she gives a sad look.

"I am glad to have seen the Roar return to the Tree of Life." Janna says.

Our Past Does Not Define Us Lion Guard Kion X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now