Battle for the Pride Lands PT 2

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"Till the Pride Lands end..." Kion says as the group arrives outside the Outlands the next morning.

"With all your friends." Alexis says as she stands next to Kion before smiling at him.

"We'll fight for what's right." Kion says.

"Pride Landers unite." The Pridelanders shout as they begin running into the Outlands after the lion guard.

"Everyone knows the plan. Keep the Outlanders off us so we can get to the top of the volcano." Kion says as the group is running.

"And here come the baddies." Bunga says as the Outlanders come running in the distance before the Pridelanders begin fighting with the Outlanders.

"You're all clear Kion." Jasiri says as she tackles a crocodile.

"Right. Lion Guard with me." Kion says as the group makes their way to the volcano.


"Kion. Lion Guard. Welcome." Scar says as the Lion Guard makes to where he is.

"He does know why we're here doesn't he?" Bunga asks.

"I know why you think you're here. But destiny can be full of surprises. Ushari now!" Scar shouts as Ushari jumps out and bites Kion on his eye.

"Kion!" Alexis shouts as Bunga tackles Ushari before she runs over to Kion before seeing he now has a scar.

"Sisi ni sawa Kion. Now you have a scar. Just like me." Scar says tauntingly as Alexis helps Kion up.

"We're not the same! I'll never be like you Scar." Kion says angrily as he goes toward Scar.

"Ooh! Ooh! Use the Roar Kion. Blast that guy back to where he came from." Bunga says as scar continues to taunt Kion

"Finding it difficult to think? My venom has a tendency to do that." Ushari says as Kion rubs his eye.

"Use the Roar Kion. He's asking for it." Bunga says.

"You have the mark of evil. Just like me Kion. Accept your destiny. There is no other choice!" Scar says as he laughs.

"Of course! I do have another choice Scar. Something only one Lion Guard leader can do to another." Kion says.

"And? What's that?" Scar asks.

"I forgive you." Kion says as the others look at him in surprise.

"You... You what!?" Scar asks in shock.

"But I can't judge you for everything you've done. The Lions of the Past need to do that." Kion says as clouds appear before it starts raining.

"The Roar is a curse Kion. You'll see! Sisi ni sawa!" Scar shouts as he disappears.

"Stop! You can't destroy him." Ushari shouts as he goes to charge at Kion only for Bunga to jump at him and miss tumbling off the edge.

"Oh no you don't. You won't touch him again!" Alexis says as she snarls and grabs Ushari before throwing him at a rock.

"I've got you Bunga!" Ono shouts as he goes and grabs Bunga.

"Way to go Ono." Beshte says as Ono flies over with Bunga before collapsing on his back.

"Nicely done Kion." Alexis says as she smiles at Kion causing him to blush slightly.

"Scar is finally gone. We've won." Kion says as the group watches the lava turn hard and seal up.


As the group arrives back the others cheer as Jasiri comes over.

"Kion your face." Jasiri says as she sees Kion's scar.

Our Past Does Not Define Us Lion Guard Kion X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now