
179 21 12

March 15, 2025

As I roll over on my side, I can see through the glass windows that the conjoining room is vacant, and the sheets are left thrown on the floor. But, where would they go so early in the morning? Adrenaline rushes through me, and I can feel my stomach turn. The last thing I need is another game of hide and seek for a bunch of middle schoolers.

Especially not in my condition. I pull up the worn hem of my shirt so that it rests above my belly button. When I pull away the blood-stained cloth taped to my side, I find that the bleeding has finally subsided.

After pulling my shirt back down, I roll over and hold my hand over the mouth of the girl who sleeps beside me, waking her. Her hazel eyes look startled, and suddenly she reminds me of a frightened child. She calms down as she realizes it's just me, and something else takes over that fearful look in her eyes; a look like she's ready for a fight.

"Jesus. You scared the shit out of me." Liv gasps.

I shoot her a look and she realizes something has happened. She knows because this isn't the first time it's happened. Her eyes grow large and dart around the room and I can tell she's taking a tally of who all is missing. She uses one hand to point around the room, counting everyone who's still here as she uses the other hand to pull the knife from under her pillow. She wipes the morning from her eyes and looks back at me.

I crawl out of the green booth and motion for her to stay still so the others don't wake as I quietly investigate our makeshift base. We've converted our beloved Joe's, a favorite Italian restaurant frequented by my friends and I, into our home for the time being. What use to be a petite, dim-lit eatery now looks more like a bunch of teenagers had a lock in.

Liv and I convene. Just as we realize it's Jess and Erin that have gone missing, we hear an escalating conversation coming from out back. We rush through the kitchen to the back just in time to see the commotion unfold.

"HOLD STILL!" One soldier says as he grabs Jess and twists her arms behind her back. Another soldier points a temperature gun at her head, which is more frightening than an actual gun at this point.

"I don't have a fever. Let me go!" Jess struggles as Erin runs towards Liv.

"Hey! There's no need to be so rough! She's a 10-year-old girl for God's sake," I said as I started towards the soldier holding Jess.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Back up before we start checking everyone's temps. I might decide everyone here is above the threshold and no one would blink an eye. You'd be loaded up on that truck faster than you could say sorry."

He nods towards an old semi-truck that people are being loaded into one-by-one.

"Okay. Okay. Let's calm down. He's sorry. What's the problem exactly?" Liv places herself between him and I. She always has a way with these guys.

"Little miss here was coughing up a storm. When I asked her to stand still for a temp check, she freaked out and started going haywire. I'm sure you understand. It's just protocol," he says as he winks at her and touches her shoulder. My blood boils and it takes everything in me not to knock the guy out.

"That's not true! I was just-" Jess starts, but Liv gently shoves her and cuts her off.

"Sure. We understand. Jess just has really bad allergies is all. Jess, come here." Jess walks over and stands besides Liv.

"Let him take your temperature so they can be on their way." She gives her a pleading look and Jess sighs, looking defeated.

"Okay." Jess rubs the tears from her eyes and the snot from her nose.

The soldier holds the temperature gun an inch from Jess's forehead, and I can't help but feel nervous. I look over at Liv and see that she is gripping the knife behind her back so hard, her knuckles have turned white. If Jess is running a temperature, there is only one way this could go.

"All clear," the soldier grumbles. "Come on. Let's go. But keep her inside if she has allergies." He spits on the ground next to us and walks towards the semi.

We collectively breathe a sigh of relief as we rush back inside of Joe's and close the door behind us. I make sure each of the three locks are in place before Liv starts giving her lecture.

"What were you thinking being outside without an adult? Have you lost your mind?" Liv says angrily.
"We were just playing and I wasn't even coughing. I sneezed once, and that soldier ran towards us. He started messing with us, and I got real mad!" Jess says defensively.

"It doesn't matter anymore. They are in charge now. They decide if you stay here with us or get loaded into one of those things to be taken away to God knows where. You have to learn to control yourself. Do not go outside anymore today," Liv says. She looks scared, but relieved.

It's been 6 months since the outbreak began, and our main goal is still survival. Luckily for some, immunity has made it easier to survive. But that's not where our story starts, so let's back up to the day it all began. 

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